Page 430 - Feline Cardiology
P. 430

Generic Name    Indications/Drug   Dosage and   Comments                           Available sizes
               (Brand Name)    Type            Possible Routes
                                               of Admin.

               Metoprolol      Beta-1 specific   2–15 mg/cat  Poorly studied in cats, likely because of   25, 50 mg Tab
               (Lopressor [H])  adrenergic blocker  PO q 8h  inconvenience of tablet splitting (smallest   25, 50,
                                                             tablet size is 25 mg). As with all beta blockers,   100 mg
                                                             start at low dose and uptitrate to desired   SR
                                                             effect. Same general characteristics as atenolol   Tab
                                                             (which generally supersedes metoprolol in the   All HM
                                                             cat). Metoprolol tartrate is regular
                                                             formulation; metoprolol succinate is sustained
                                                             release (but pharmacokinetics of release/
                                                             absorption/metabolism are unknown in the
               Mexiletine      Class Ib anti-  3 mg/kg       A safe dosage has not been established for   150, 200,
               (Mexitil [H])   arrhythmic      PO q 8–12 h   the cat; similar drug class as lidocaine;   250 mg
                                                             therefore indication is PVCs/VT, and risks of   Cap, Tab
                                                             adverse effects (ataxia, seizures; or   HM
                                                             bradycardia, collapse) are more likely in this
                                                             species than in the dog at the standard
                                                             canine dosage of 4–8 mg/kg PO q 8–12h.
                                                             May be considered in cats that have severe
                                                             myocardial failure that cannot tolerate a beta
                                                             blocker for treatment of severe ventricular
                                                             arrhythmias, or in combination with a beta
                                                             blocker or sotalol in refractory ventricular
                                                             arrhythmias. Increasingly difficult to obtain
                                                             due to decreased demand in human
               Midazolam       Benzodiazepine   0.1–0.5 mg/kg  Almost always used in conjunction with other   1, 10 mg/ml
               (Versed [H])    sedative        IM or IV      agents, notably an opioid (for moderate   Inj
                                                             sedation) or either medetomidine or ketamine   HM
                                                             (for heavy sedation). Safe; very minimal
                                                             cardiovascular effect. Provides mild additional
                                                             sedation, no practical effect if given as sole
                                                             drug. Previously expensive, now inexpensive
                                                             as generic. Main advantage over diazepam is
                                                             equal efficacy as IM or IV injection.

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