Page 432 - Feline Cardiology
P. 432

Generic Name    Indications/Drug   Dosage and   Comments                           Available sizes
               (Brand Name)    Type            Possible Routes
                                               of Admin.

               Omega-3 fatty   Antioxidant     Optimal       Antioxidant effects of documented benefit in
               acid supplement  nutritional    dosage        human coronary artery disease, where the
                               supplement      unknown       pathophysiologic mechanism contains an
                                                             important inflammatory component; no such
                                                             component demonstrated in feline heart
                                                             disease, and thus, no indication for this
                                                             product in feline cardiology to date. High
                                                             doses (40 mg/kg EPA, 25 mg/kg DHA) may
                                                             lessen cardiac cachexia in dogs with heart
                                                             failure; effect in cats is unknown. May lessen
                                                             production of catabolic inflammatory
                                                             cytokines TNF and IL-1, which may be a
                                                             component of cardiac cachexia.

               Phenylephrine   Vasopressor;    1–3 mcg/kg/   Indicated for acute hypotension or anesthesia-  10 mg/ml
                               postsynaptic    min           related hypotension unresponsive to other   Inj
                               alpha-adrenergic   IV CRI,    initial anesthetic modifications in the   HM
                               agonist         adjusted PRN  euvolemic cat, especially when underlying
                                                             cause is diastolic heart disease (e.g., HCM,
                                                             RCM/UCM) where vasoconstriction is generally
                                                             better tolerated than in systolic heart disease
                                                             (e.g., DCM). Begin infusion at low end of
                                                             dosage range and increase to desired effect
                                                             (usually low-normal arterial blood pressure)
                                                             while monitoring blood pressure continuously.

               Pimobendan      Inodilator      0.625–1.25 mg   Anecdotal reports of use in congestive heart   1.25,
               (Vetmedin [V])   (positive inotrope   PO/cat  failure caused by either dilated     2.5,
                               and arterial    q 12h         cardiomyopathy or restrictive/unclassified   5 mg
                               dilator)                      cardiomyopathy in cats; phosphodiesterase III   Ch (USA)
                                                             inhibitor causes vasodilation of arteries and   Cap
                                                             veins, which reduces afterload and preload.   (Canada,
                                                             Calcium sensitizing agent increases affinity of   Europe,
                                                             troponin C to calcium, which increases con-   Australasia)
                                                             tractility, without the expense of increased   VM
                                                             myocardial O2 consumption (unlike
                                                             dobutamine). Theoretical concern over
                                                             whether it may potentiate ventricular
                                                             arrhythmias. No prospective studies have
                                                             been done in cats at this time, so its use is
                                                             based on extrapolations from canine studies
                                                             or anecdotal clinical experience.
                                                             Contraindicated in hypertrophic
                                                             cardiomyopathy. No support for use in any
                                                             compensated (“asymptomatic”) heart disease.
                                                             Contraindicated when nature of cardiac lesion
                                                             is unknown.

               Plavix—see                                                                                               Drug Formulary

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