Page 433 - Feline Cardiology
P. 433
Generic Name Indications/Drug Dosage and Comments Available sizes
(Brand Name) Type Possible Routes
of Admin.
Potassium Electrolyte Always less Supplement to treat hypokalemia (or prevent 2 mEq/l
chloride IV than than hypokalemia during fluid therapy). Typically Inj
supplement 0.5 mEq/kg/h add KCl to IV fluid bag to total 20 mEq/l, and VM,HM
administer at maintenance rate. May add total
of 40 mEq/l to fluid bag if serum [K ]
<3.5 mEq/l, or 60 mEq/l if serum [K ] <3 mEq/l,
or 80 mEq/l if serum [K ] <2.5 mEq/l. Never
administer more than 0.5 mEq/l/hr (i.e., never
bolus IV fluid supplemented with KCl).
Potassium salts Electrolyte 0.5 mEq/kg/day Chronic supplementation to offset Many
oral supplement PO, adjusted documented excessive loss (common with VM, HM
(Tumil K [V], No based diuretics) or concurrent K -sensitive disorder
Salt [H]) on serum [K ] (e.g., PVCs, VT). Serum [K ] should be
measured on blood drawn in green-top
(heparin) tubes, not red-top, to minimize in
vitro K release from activated platelets,
masking hypoK . KCl: 1 mEq = 75 mg. K
gluconate: 1 mEq = 234 mg. K citrate:
1 mEq = 108 mg. KHCO 3 : 1 mEq = 100 mg.
Tumil K: 2 mEq (468 mg) K gluconate per
tablet, ¼ tsp powder, or ½ tsp gel.
Prazocin Alpha-1 0.25–0.5 mg/ Treatment for systemic hypertension. Less well 1,2,5 mg
(Minipress [H]) adrenergic blocker cat PO q 24h studied and seemingly less effective and safe Cap
than amlodipine, which is preferred. Use for HM
feline urethral obstruction may decrease
arterial blood pressure and could trigger
congestive heart failure in a previously
compensated cat with heart disease via reflex
sinus tachycardia; not recommended in cats
with preexisting HCM.
Drug Formulary