Page 437 - Feline Cardiology
P. 437
Generic Name Indications/Drug Dosage and Comments Available sizes
(Brand Name) Type Possible Routes
of Admin.
Terbutaline Beta-2 adrenergic 0.625–1.25 mg Mainly indicated for bronchoconstrictive 2.5,5 mg
(Brethine [H]) agonist PO per cat airway disease (allergic/asthmatic respiratory Tab
q 12h disorders) but some crossover to cardiac 1 mg/ml
beta-1 receptors justifies trial use in cats with Inj
pathologic bradycardia (high-grade Mobitz HM
type II second-degree AV block; third-degree
AV block; sick sinus syndrome) or bradycardia
secondary to high vagal tone that persists
despite treating underlying cause or if a cause
cannot be identified. Adverse/excessive
effects = tachycardia, mydriasis. Few cases of
symptomatic bradycardia in the cat respond
to this (or any) medication, and pacemaker
implantation becomes necessary.
Ticlopidine (Ticlid Anticoagulant (none) Not recommended in cats because early 250 mg
[H]) studies identified dose-limiting anorexia at Tab
dosages required for antiplatelet effects. HM
Tissue Thrombolytic 5 mg/cat Aortic thromboembolism of recent onset 50,100 mg
plasminogen IV CRI over (<8 h); emboli that have been present for >8 h Inj
activator (t-PA; 1.5–5 h are less likely to be lysed, increasing risk of HM (Alteplase)
Alteplase [H], adverse effects compared to beneficial effects.
Activase [H]) Absolute contraindications include intracardiac
thrombus (risk of detachment and
embolization), unconfirmed embolic disease (if
a reasonable possibility exists that clinical
signs are due to trauma, neoplasia, or other
nonembolic disorder), and existing or
expected bleeding tendency. As with other
thrombolytics, the proportion of cats that
benefit from greater return of pulses (superior
to anticoagulation alone, e.g., heparin) is
negated or outweighed by the number of
severe adverse reactions, including
pigmenturia (36%), scleral hemorrhage (18%),
rectal bleeding (9%), central nervous system
dys- function (40%), and hyperkalemia (36%),
for an overall rate of survival to discharge of
only 27%. Requires intensive 24-hour critical
care and monitoring. Alteplase: 1 mg = 580
000 IU. Other forms (different potency):
Reteplase/Retavase/Rapilysin, Tenecteplase/
Drug Formulary