Page 431 - Feline Cardiology
P. 431

Generic Name    Indications/Drug   Dosage and   Comments                           Available sizes
               (Brand Name)    Type            Possible Routes
                                               of Admin.

               Nitroglycerin   Nitrate vaso-   Apply         Vasodilator (preferentially venodilator in   2% ointment for
                               dilator         1/8”–1/4”     topical ointment formulation) with variable   topical use
                                               (2–5 mm) strip   (mild if any) effect. Main indication is acute   HM
                                               to hairless skin   congestive heart failure, where venodilation
                                               q 6–8 h × 24–  increases venous “reservoir” capacity,
                                               48 h (pinna or   reducing intravascular hydrostatic pressure
                                               medial thigh);   and reducing further immediate edema
                                               or 12 h on,   formation. Wear gloves when handling/
                                               12 h off      applying, to avoid human transdermal
                                               alternating for   absorption (vasodilation causes headaches,
                                               3 days        hypotension). Nitrate tolerance signifies loss
                                                             of efficacy after approximately 48 h of
                                                             continuous treatment. Prevent patient from
                                                             licking site of application. No studies have
                                                             evaluated it in cats; anecdotally appears
                                                             unlikely to be harmful. An intravenous
                                                             formula used as a CRI is available for
                                                             balanced arterial and venous dilation, but has
                                                             not been studied in cats, and nitroprusside is
                                                             typically chosen for the purpose of potent
                                                             balanced vasodilation in the acute setting.
               Nitroprusside   Nitrate vaso-   0.5–5 mcg/kg/  Acute potent balanced (arterial and venous)   25 mg/ml
               (Nitropress [H])  dilator       min           vasodilation, typically as part of management   Inj
                                               IV CRI,       of critical congestive heart failure, as an   HM
                                               adjusted PRN  afterload and preload reducer. In the cat, the
                                                             high prevalence of hypertrophic
                                                             cardiomyopathy (where any excess vasodilation
                                                             is detrimental via eliciting reflex sinus
                                                             tachycardia [causing less diastolic filling time,
                                                             more myocardial oxygen consumption, etc.])
                                                             means this drug is used infrequently. Constant
                                                             (q 5–10 minutes) blood pressure monitoring via
                                                             Doppler or direct arterial line is necessary for
                                                             confirming normotension during treatment.
                                                             Loss of efficacy after 48 h (nitrate tolerance), so
                                                             used intermittently if at all. Cyanide poisoning
                                                             is possible if high doses used over 1–2 days.
               Norepinephrine   Catecholamine  0.05–2 mcg/kg/  Main indication is critical hypotension   1 mg/ml
               (Levophed [H],                  min IV CRI,   (principal drug action is alpha-agonism).   Inj
               noradrenaline)                  adjusted      Requires constant blood pressure monitoring   HM
                                               PRN           during infusion, and dose titration to desired
      Drug Formulary

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