Page 172 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 172

Toxicokinetics Chapter | 8  139  is described using mass balance equations that represent  where V e and C e are the anatomic volume, and concentra-
                Following a schematic design of the model, the model
                                                                tion in the extracellular space, V i and C i is the volume of
                                                                the intracellular space, and the concentration in the intra-
             the changes in tissue concentrations over time. The limit-
             ing factor in the exchange between compartments is an  cellular space, and K t is the membrane permeability coef-
             important consideration. In most models, the exchange is  ficient for the membranes that separate the intracellular
             either limited by diffusion through a membrane barrier  and extracellular spaces.
             (diffusion-limited), or it is limited by the amount of blood  Further modifications are needed to describe metabo-
             flow (flow-limited). Both types of exchanges may be  lism or excretion. This can be done by adding a mass
             present in a single PBPK model. Diffusion-limited  removal term, R ex . The resulting equation for a flow-
             exchanges are often associated with large, polar mole-  limited tissue block is:
             cules, and organs with small blood flow to mass ratios.
                                                                            V t dC t  C a   C t
             Flow-limited exchanges are most commonly associated                 5 Q t           R ex
             with small, lipophilic compounds, and organs with rela-         d t         P t
             tively small volume and large blood flow to mass ratios.  The mathematical definition of R ex can be a simple or
                The basic mass balance equation for a flow-limited  as complex as needed to describe the important features
             compartment is:                                    of the process. Commonly used functions include simple
                                                                first-order exchanges, and Michaelis Menton equations
                             V t dC t
                                  5 Q t ðC a   C v Þ            that describe processes that can become saturated. For
                              d t
                                                                example, if R ex is defined as the clearance of a specific
             where Q t , V t , and C t are the blood flow, anatomic volume,  organ the equation would be:
             and concentration of the compound in the compartment,
             and C a and C v are the concentrations of the compound in   V t dC t   C a   C t
                                                                               5 Q t          C t Cl organ
             the arterial and venous blood flowing into and out of the     d t        P t
             tissue. It is assumed in flow-limited models that the com-  where Cl organ is the clearance of the eliminating organ.
             pound is in instantaneous equilibrium between the tissue  Tissue blocks can be further refined by the addition of
             and the blood, and that distribution in the compartment is  modification terms to describe processes such as protein
             homogeneous. This allows for the relationship between
                                                                binding, tissue binding, active transport, biliary excretion,
             the venous blood concentration and the vascular space to
                                                                enterohepatic circulation, and metabolism. For example,
             be defined according to the partition coefficient between
                                                                if R ex is governed by metabolism, and the appropriate
             the tissue and blood:
                                                                parameter values of enzyme activity are known, it can
                                                                described using Michaelis Menton equations such as:
                                       C t
                                  C v 5
                                       P t                                             ðV m f 1 Þ
                                                                                 R ex 5
             where P t is the tissue-to-blood partition coefficient.
                                                                                      ðK m 1 f 1 Þ
             Therefore, the final mass balance equation is:
                                                                where V m is the maximum rate of metabolism, K m is the

                            V t dC t   C a   C t                concentration at which the rate of metabolism is 50% of
                                 5 Q t
                                                                maximum, and f 1 is the free concentration in the metabo-
                             d t         P t
                This equation can be used in models where all tissue  lizing organ. The final step is to write the mass balance
             compartments are simplified into a single compartment.  equation for the central (venous blood) compartment. The
             In contrast, membrane-limited exchanges do not assume  input into this compartment is the combined venous blood
             that tissue concentrations are in equilibrium with venous  streams from the various tissue compartments. The rate of
             blood concentrations. Instead, it uses subcompartments  change in concentration in the central compartment is
             representing extravascular and intracellular space. The  described by:
             assumption is that the vascular space is in equilibrium
                                                                            V p dC p  X
             with the extracellular space. The mass balance equation is           5     Q t C v   Q p C p
                                                                              d t
             then defined by rate of change in the extracellular space
             per unit of time, and can be written as:           where V p , Q p , and C p are the anatomic volume, the total
                                                                blood flow, and the concentration in the central compart-
                       V e dC e
                            5 Q t ðC a   C e Þ  K t ðC e   C i Þ  ment. C v represents the venous blood concentration from
                        d t
                                                                each tissue compartment. As with other compartments,
                                                                this compartment can be modified to incorporate pro-
                                0       1
                       V i dC i  C e   C t                      cesses such as protein binding, or partitioning into blood
                            5 K t  @    A
                         d t        P t
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