Page 175 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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142 SECTION | I General  composition, and physiological processes that influence  could then be used as an hypothesis, and tested using skin
                                                                with varying layers of cells in the stratum corneum in
             the concentration/time course of xenobiotic chemicals.
                                                                flow-through cell experiments.
             Toxicologists are often faced with situations where the
             adverse health risk from chemical exposure must be esti-
             mated without access to data obtained under the condi-
             tions of the exposure being analyzed. An advantage of  CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE
             well-designed, appropriately detailed, and adequately  DIRECTIONS
             understood PBPK models is that different exposure sce-
                                                                PBPK modeling is an evolving frontier in toxicokinetic
             narios can be simulated using the same base model by
                                                                modeling. As our understanding of the systems and pro-
             varying the mathematical descriptions of the dosing regi-
                                                                cesses involved in toxicokinetics improve and expand, so
             men. These may include single, repeated, or continuous
                                                                does our ability to use newly gained knowledge in mod-
             oral ingestion, single or repeated intravenous boluses,
                                                                els. PBPK models allow for the adaptability needed to
             constant intravenous infusion, single or repeated injec-
                                                                simulate varied physiological processes and system condi-
             tions at various body sites, inhalation, and topical expo-
                                                                tions. PBPK models are therefore likely to assume an
             sures under various conditions. As long as the influences
                                                                ever more important role in our efforts to understand and
             of dependent parameters on the reference concentration/
                                                                predict the consequences of exposure to toxicants, and its
             time curve can be reliably identified, the model can be
                                                                application in veterinary toxicology can be expected to
             used to simulate the effects of variations in parameter
             values. It can also be used to do limited hypotheses test-
             ing related to key parameters. An example of this
             approach is the use of a PBPK model to describe the  REFERENCES
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