Page 179 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 179

146 SECTION | I General  in vivo toxicological data. Originally, in vivo experiments  liver, whereas, following inhalation, a toxic compound is
                                                                more likely to be absorbed by the respiratory system.
             were aimed at the prediction of acute systemic toxicity
                                                                Metabolism of xenobiotics can also occur in placenta, in
             usually in rodents. Currently, more sophisticated, targeted
             and multispecies approaches with well-defined endpoints  the test dam and fetus. This can lead to changes in the
             and experimental protocols are applied to toxicological  balance of parent compound and metabolites, complicat-
             studies, especially for regulatory testing.        ing the picture even more in developmental toxicity tests.
                As the science of toxicology evolves, an increasing  The metabolism of an administered chemical should
             number of in vitro alternative tests have been validated or  be relevant to human or domestic animals and is critical
             are currently under development. However, in some cases,  for risk assessment exercises. The final toxic effect will
             animal models in toxicity testing are irreplaceable, espe-  depend on a balance between the level of toxic agent
             cially in the tests required by the regulatory authorities to  reaching the target tissue and its rate of elimination and/or
             protect human and animal health. Furthermore, there is  bioinactivation by mixed function oxidases, serum hydro-
             public demand to know the toxicity risks posed in every-  lases or binding to serum proteins. Furthermore, there are
             day life, which necessitates the use of animal models  interspecies differences regarding the metabolism of
             comparable to humans.                              xenobiotics (Nebbia, 2001). For example, cats are at high
                Although animals are relatively expensive experimen-  risk of developing hepatotoxicity especially after paracet-
             tal models compared to the alternative methods discussed  amol administration. This is due to differences in bioacti-
             later, there are several important reasons for their contin-  vation of paracetamol, which occurs only in cats through
             ued use. First, there is extensive information available on  N-hydroxylation with the help of cytochrome P450 2E1,
             their normal biochemical and physiological properties.  during the oxidative reactions in phase I transformation
             Second, the published data from the measurement of toxi-  (Nebbia, 2001). Ruminants are less susceptible to organo-
             cological endpoints in vivo, using models of relevance to  phosphates (OPs) such as parathion than monogastrics,
             humans and domestic/farm animals, makes animal testing  because the rumen microflora play an important role by
             a valuable tool to predict toxicity.               reducing the nitro group of OPs to an amino group
                The animals that are most commonly used in toxico-  (Nebbia, 2001).
             logical testing are rodents and rabbits (Table 9.1). Cats  The majority of toxicological studies commonly
             and dogs are used less frequently in toxicity testing (and  employ administration of the agent in animal feed or
             mostly in preclinical toxicology or phase I pharmacologi-  water or by stomach intubation (i.e., by gavage) in order
             cal studies), whereas nonhuman primates are rarely used  to imitate a known or potential human or domestic animal
             and mainly to study metabolism of toxic compounds. Not  exposure. The use of oral gavage is commonly used in
             included in this table are the studies conducted on com-  administration of high doses of xenobiotics and in devel-
             panion animals to determine safety limits in products that  opmental toxicity tests, but is less practical in the case of
             are directly applied to cats or dogs (EPA, 1998a). The  long-duration studies. Inhalation is used when there is a
             interested reader is referred to some more specialized  need to duplicate industrial or environmental exposure to
             books regarding animal toxicity testing (e.g., Arnold  dusts, aerosols and fumes. In this case, nose, head or
             et al., 1990; Gad, 2006) and some useful websites relevant  whole body exposure chambers are used, depending on
             to regulatory toxicological testing (e.g., https://www.  the exposure time. For cutaneous administration, a toxic
     agent may be injected intradermally or simply applied
             series-870-health-effects-test-guidelines and http://www.  topically on the skin or ears and sometimes covered with
     a bandage. In the case of experimental studies where the
             gofchemicals.htm).                                 need for complete absorption of a tested compound is
                                                                considered essential, parenteral routes of administration
                                                                (intraperitoneal, intramuscular, intravenous, and subcuta-
             Routes of Test Compound Administration
                                                                neous) are selected. However, the solubility and bioavail-
             Toxicity testing in animal models is most useful if it imi-  ability of the tested agent can also influence the degree of
             tates the human or domestic/farm animal route of expo-  absorption and how much of it is directly available in a
             sure to chemical agents. Based on the medium of    laboratory animal.
             exposure in human and domestic animals, it is possible to  Toxicokinetic and pharmacokinetic information on
             decide which is the administration route of choice in ani-  tested compounds and their comparison among laboratory
             mal toxicological tests (Table 9.2). Depending on the  animals and humans are also important to determine
             route of administration, experimental evaluation may dif-  dosing parameters and improve the toxicological data
             fer because of variation in the absorption, metabolism and  obtained. The administered dose in toxicological studies
             elimination of a compound. Oral exposure can lead to  should be decided taking into account many physico-
             absorption by the digestive system and metabolism by the  chemical parameters of chemical agents, biological
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