Page 174 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicokinetics Chapter | 8  141  Model Validation                                 be used to generate specific values for the parameters in
                                                                question. This parameter value assignment is repeated a
             Model validation refers to the process of confirming that
                                                                large number of times, and the output becomes a set of
             the model actually achieves its intended purpose. In most
                                                                simulations that can be plotted alongside each other. This
             situations, this will involve confirmation that the model is
                                                                gives a visual representation of what a population may
             predictive under the conditions of its intended use. This
                                                                look like (Sweeney et al., 2001). Fig. 8.8 shows a Monte
             type of validation occurs by comparing model simulations
                                                                Carlo analysis using the SMZ model to simulate multiple
             to an independent experimental data set. Data used in the
                                                                oral dosing (Buur et al., 2006). The oral absorption rate,
             estimation of model parameter values cannot be included
                                                                rate of gastric emptying, protein binding, and both renal
             in the external data set. Simulated data derived from the
                                                                and hepatic clearances were varied. Validation of this data
             model are compared to observed data points. The sets of
                                                                is performed by plotting the multiple simulations along-
             data may be plotted side by side using simulation plots;
                                                                side independent experimental data points. However,
             or output values at specific times can be compared using
                                                                confidence in the distributions, and in the model is deter-
             correlation plots, and residual plots. Results are then sub-
                                                                mined by visual inspection, rather than correlation coeffi-
             jected to qualitative and quantitative analysis for goodness
                                                                cients or residual plots, but alone. Generally, more data
             of fit. Unlike traditional compartmental pharmacokinetic
                                                                points covered within the spread of the output results in
             modeling approaches, there is currently no standardized
                                                                higher confidence in the predictive ability of the model.
             method to evaluate the goodness of fit for PBPK models.
             Often, a combination of visual examination of residual
             plots and simulation plots, along with the quantification  Applications
             of regression correlation values (R values) are used. In
                                                                PBPK models are most often used in toxicology to predict
             general, residual plots should have normal distributions
                                                                the concentrations of toxic chemicals and their metabo-
             around zero without any time bias. Correlation plots  lites in target tissues. Target tissue concentrations predict
             should have regression lines with R values close to 1,
                                                                toxic effects better than exposure concentrations or con-
             and intercepts close to the starting value (in most cases,
                                                                centrations in a reference compartment such as venous
             this is zero). Simulation plots are also used to detect time
                                                                blood. The adaptability of PBPK models makes them
             and concentration bias.
                                                                suitable for extrapolations across different exposure sce-
                If a complex model was created by the incorporation
                                                                narios and routes, species, breed, age, physiological state,
             of population distributions, then model validation typically
                                                                pathological changes, and sex differences. PBPK models
             becomes more qualitative in nature. In these cases, sam-
                                                                are also used in basic research to understand the effects
             pling methods such as Monte Carlo or bootstrapping can
                                                                and interactions between anatomical structure, tissue
                 Concentration (ppb)  100


                      0      25     50     75     100    125    150    175     200    225    250     275
                                                             Time (h)
             FIGURE 8.8 A Monte Carlo analysis using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model, used in the prediction of sulfamethazine tissue residues
             in swine, to simulate multiple oral dosing.
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