Page 173 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 173

140 SECTION | I General  Parameter Estimation and Identifiability         parameters. To reduce the likelihood of this type of error,
                                                                multiple tissue compartments may be sampled. Thus, it is
             Accurate parameter values are essential for PBPK models
                                                                not only the number of data points representing the
             to achieve their full predictive potential. The relevant para-
                                                                final model output that are used, but also the number of
             meters are often physiological (blood flow, organ volume,
                                                                sampled compartments that is important for accurate
             vascular space volume, etc.), and physicochemical (parti-
                                                                parameter estimation (Audoly et al., 2001). Identifiability
             tioning coefficients, membrane permeability coefficients,
                                                                problems can also be reduced by decreasing the number of
             rate of absorption, etc.). Some parameter values can be
                                                                parameters that need to be estimated. Sensitivity analysis
             estimated from in vitro experiments (protein-binding rates,
                                                                can be used to decide which parameters can be abandoned
             Michaelis Menton constants, etc.). Many parameter values
                                                                without significantly altering model output. It compares
             can be found in the published literature. Some parameters
                                                                the relative contributions of reasonable ranges of parame-
             can be derived from in vitro and in vivo experimentation.
                                                                ter values to an output of interest (Evans and Andersen,
             However, there will usually be some parameters for which
                                                                2000). For example, in the SMZ model example, the rela-
             independent values cannot be obtained. These parameter
                                                                tive contributions to plasma disposition from the para-
             values must be estimated using a curve fitting process
                                                                meters of renal clearance, hepatic clearance, and tissue
             against known data points (Sheiner, 1985). Several curve
                                                                partitioning coefficients can be compared (Fig. 8.7). The
             fitting software packages are available. Most use a function
                                                                parameters of protein binding, hepatic clearance and renal
             of a least likelihood ratio to estimate the parameters. It is
                                                                clearance have the greatest effect at early time points.
             important to emphasize that a weakness of PBPK models
                                                                  The range of parameter values to use can be estimated
             is their dependence upon a large number of parameters.
                                                                using statistical distributions rather than fixed ranges.
             The large numbers of parameters can also make identifia-
                                                                As with single point estimations, the accuracy of the
             bility challenging. Identifiability refers to the ability to spe-
                                                                model is directly proportional to the accuracy of the dis-
             cifically determine a unique influence on model output for
                                                                tribution. In many cases, a reasonable mean and range of
             each parameter, based on an ideal data set. As the number
                                                                parameter value distribution can be inferred from
             of tissue compartments increases, the ability to uniquely
                                                                published data. Distribution patterns can also be assumed
             identify all parameters is diminished without the inclusion
                                                                to follow a model commonly found in natural systems
             of additional data points. Valid inferences cannot be drawn
                                                                (normal, log-normal, beta, etc.).
             from a model if the model contains unidentifiable
                     10,000 0
                  Change in concentration (ppb)  –10,000  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  Hepatic clearance  100

                                                                                     Protein binding sulfamethazine
                                                                                     Renal clearance

                    –30,000                                                          Protein binding metabolite

                    –40,000                                 Time (h)

             FIGURE 8.7 A comparison of the relative contributions to plasma disposition from the parameters of renal clearance, hepatic clearance, and tissue
             partitioning coefficients.
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