Page 340 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  307  TABLE 17.2 (Continued)  Recommendation  Comments

               Trimethoprim sulfadiazine  B            Manufacturer states that it is safe during pregnancy in dogs; see also
               (Tribrissen, Coopers)                   trimethoprim and sulfonamides.
               Trimethoprim           B                Teratogenic in rats but probably safe in other species. Folate antagonism and
                                                       bone marrow depression are possible with prolonged use.
               Ticarcillin            A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Tobramycin             C                Aminoglycoside antibiotics easily cross the placenta and may cause 8th nerve
                                                       toxicity or nephrotoxicity.
               Tylosin                B                No information is available.
               Antifungal drugs
               Amphotericin-B         C                There are no known teratogenic effects, but amphotericin is extremely toxic.
                                                       Use only if the disease is life threatening, in absence of a suitable alternative.
               Griseofulvin           D                Teratogenic in rats; causes multiple skeletal and brain malformations in cats.
               Ketoconazole           B                Teratogenic and embryotoxic in rats; antiandrogenic; stillbirths have been
                                                       reported in dogs.
               Miconazole             A                Apparently safe if applied topically.
               Antiparasitic drugs
               Amitraz                C                Manufacturer states that reproduction studies have not been done;
                                                       no information available.
               Diethylcarbamazine     A                Manufacturer states that the drug may be given to dogs throughout gestation.
               Dithiazanine iodide (Dizan,  B          No information is available; iodide salts may cause congenital goiter if
               TechAmerica)                            administered for prolonged periods during pregnancy.
               Fenbendazole           A                Safe. Has been administered to pregnant bitches without producing adverse
               Dichlorvos (Task, Solvay)  B            Caution is advised when administering cholinesterase inhibitors to pregnant
                                                       animals; it should not be administered to puppies or kittens, but studies in
                                                       pregnant dogs and cats suggest that there are no adverse effects during
               Ivermectin             A                Safe. Reproduction studies in dogs, cattle, horses and pigs have not shown
                                                       adverse effects.
               Levamisole             C                No information available.
               Mebendazole            A                Safe. In reproduction studies in dogs, it was not teratogenic or embryotoxic.
               Piperazine             A                Safe. No known contraindications for the use of piperazine.
               Praziquantel           A                Safe. No adverse effects were seen when tested in pregnant dogs and cats.
               Thiacetarsamide        C                No specific information regarding toxicity to fetus is available. It can be
               (Caparsolate sodium, CEVA)              hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic, and heartworm adulticide should be postponed
                                                       until after parturition.
               Bunamidine             A                Has been administered to pregnant bitches without problems and is safe in
                                                       pregnant cats. Slight interference with spermatogenesis has been seen in male
               Pyrantel               A                Safe. Toxicity studies have not shown any adverse effects.
               Thenium                A                Safe. Manufacturer states that except in young puppies, there are no known
               Thiabendazole          B                Thiabendazole is not teratogenic in laboratory animals, but high doses have
                                                       produced toxemia in ewes.
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