Page 341 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 341

308 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  TABLE 17.2 (Continued)  Recommendation  Comments

               Trichlorfon            C                Caution is advised when administering organophosphates to pregnant animals.
                                                       Congenital toxicoses have been reported following administration to pregnant
                                                       sows. Manufacturer states that trichlorfon should not be administered to
                                                       pregnant mares, but there are no recommendations for dogs and cats.
               Anticancer drugs
               Doxorubicin hydrochloride  C            May produce malformations in newborn or embryotoxicity.
               (Adriamycin, Adria)
               Azathioprine           C                May produce congenital malformations but has been used in pregnant women
                                                       safely. It may be a suitable alternative to other drugs when immunosuppressive
                                                       therapy is required.
               Chlorambucil           C                May produce malformations in newborn or embryotoxicity.
               Cisplatin              C                May produce congenital malformations, embryotoxicity or nephrotoxicity.
               Cyclophosphamide       C                May produce malformations in newborn or embryotoxicity.
               Methotrexate           C                May produce malformations in newborn or embryotoxicity.
               Vincristine            C                May produce malformations in newborn or embryotoxicity.
               Analgesic drugs
               Acetaminophen          C                Safety not established in dogs; toxic in cats.
               Aspirin                C                Embryotoxicity has been seen in laboratory animals but not in other species.
                                                       Late in pregnancy, it may produce pulmonary hypertension and bleeding
                                                       problems (see text).
               Flunixin meglumine     C                Safety in pregnancy has not been determined.
               Gold (aurothioglucose)  D               Laboratory animal studies clearly show increased congenital malformations.
               Ibuprofen              C                Safety in dogs and cats not established.
               Indomethacin           C                Can be toxic in adult dogs; can cause premature closure of ductus arteriosus if
                                                       administered near term.
               Phenylbutazone         C                Safety has not been established. Long-term use can depress bone marrow.
               Salicylates                             Embryotoxicity has been seen in laboratory animals but not in other species.
                                                       Late in pregnancy, it may produce pulmonary hypertension and bleeding
               Anesthetic and preanesthetic drugs
               Acepromazine           B                Phenothiazines should be avoided near term; they may produce neonatal CNS
               Atropine               B                Crosses the placenta and has been used safely but may cause fetal tachycardia.
               Butorphanol            B                Safe for short-term use. Neonatal depression can be treated with naloxone.
               Codeine                B                Safe for short-term use. Neonatal depression can be treated with naloxone.
               Diazepam               C                See anticonvulsants.
               Fentanyl               B                Safe for short-term use. Neonatal depression can be treated with naloxone.
               Glycopyrrolate         B                Safe. Does not cross placenta as readily as astropine. Studies in rats and rabbits
                                                       have not revealed teratogenic effects.
               Halothane              C                Decreased learning ability has been reported in rats after in utero exposure;
                                                       depression may be seen in neonates after cesarean section; excessive uterine
                                                       bleeding may be seen when administered during cesarean section.
               Isoflurane             B                Probably safe. Depression may be seen in neonates after cesarean section.

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