Page 339 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 339

306 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  TABLE 17.2 Safety of Drugs in Pregnancy  Comments

               Antimicrobial drugs
               Amikacin               C                Aminoglycoside antibiotics easily cross the placenta and may cause 8th nerve
                                                       toxicity or nephrotoxicity.
               Ampicillin             A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Amoxicillin            A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Carbenicillin          A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Cephalosporins         A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Chloramphenicol        C                May decrease protein synthesis in fetus, particularly in bone marrow.
               Ciprofloxacin          D                Do not use during pregnancy; quinolones have been associated with articular
                                                       cartilage defects.
               Clavulanic acid amoxicillin  A          Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               (Clavamox, Beecham)
               Clindamycin            A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Cloxacillin            A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Dicloxacillin          A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Doxycycline            D                Tetracyclines can cause bone and teeth malformations in fetus and may cause
                                                       toxicity in mother.
               Enrofloxacin           D                See ciprofloxacin.
               Erythromycin           A                Appears to be safe except for erythromycin estolate, which has been shown to
                                                       increase the risk of hepatotoxicity in women.
               Gentamicin             C                Aminoglycoside antibiotics easily cross the placenta and may cause 8th nerve
                                                       toxicity or nephrotoxicity. However, specific toxicities from gentamicin have
                                                       not been reported, and it may be used for a serious infection in place of a
                                                       suitable alternative.
               Hetacillin             A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Kanamycin              C                Aminoglycoside antibiotics easily cross the placenta and may cause 8th nerve
                                                       toxicity of nephrotoxicity.
               Lincomycin             A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to cause problems in fetus.
               Metronidazole          C                Teratogenic in laboratory animals, but there is no information for dogs and
                                                       cats. It should be avoided during the first 3 weeks of pregnancy.
               Neomycin               A                Not absorbed sufficiently to cause systemic effects after oral administration.
               Oxacillin              A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Oxytetracycline        D                Toxic to fetus and may increase risk of hepatitis in mother (see tetracycline).
               Penicillin G (benzyl   A                Crosses the placenta but has not been shown to be harmful to fetus.
               Streptomycin           D                See gentamicin. Streptomycin is associated with higher incidence of 8th nerve
                                                       toxicity than other aminoglycosides.
               Sulfonamides           B                Sulfonamides cross the placenta and have produced congenital malformations
                                                       in rats and mice, but problems have not been reported in dogs or cats; in
                                                       people, they have caused neonatal icterus when administered near term. Avoid
                                                       long-acting sulfonamides.
               Tetracycline           D                Tetracyclines can cause bone and teeth malformations in fetus and may cause
                                                       toxicity in mother.
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