Page 528 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 528  Chapter 37

             Organophosphates and Carbamates

             Ramesh C. Gupta, Magdalini Sachana, Ida M. Mukherjee, Robin B. Doss,
             Jitendra K. Malik and Dejan Milatovic

             INTRODUCTION                                       compounds, Gerhard Schrader (a chemist at the I.G.
                                                                Farbenindustrie) led the exploration of the OP class of
             Organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates (CMs) are com-
                                                                compounds that could be used as insecticides. One of the
             monly used in agriculture, industry and around homes/
                                                                earliest OP insecticides synthesized by Schrader was para-
             gardens throughout the world. In addition, these chemicals
                                                                thion, which is still used worldwide. Prior to World War II,
             are used in veterinary and human medicine. Both types of
                                                                the German Ministry of Defense developed highly toxic
             chemicals produce their toxicity by virtue of inhibition of the  OPs of the G series (tabun, sarin and soman) and diisopro-
             acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme, which terminates the
                                                                pyl phosphorofluoridate. In the 1950s, OP compounds with
             action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) at the syn-
                                                                super toxicity of the V series, such as VX and VR, were
             apses in nervous tissue and at the neuromuscular junctions
                                                                synthesized in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union.
             (NMJs). These chemicals are referred to as “anticholinester-
                                                                Since World War II, thousands of OPs have been synthe-
             ase agents”. OPs, with strong AChE inhibiting potential, are
                                                                sized in the search for compounds with species selectivity,
             also used as nerve agents or nerve gases in chemical warfare.
                                                                i.e., more toxicity to insects and less toxicity to mammals.
                Many compounds of both classes are extremely toxic
                                                                Malathion is an example, as it has been used for more than
             and lack species selectivity. Their inadvertent/accidental
                                                                half a century as the most popular insecticide. Today, more
             use continues to pose a threat to human and animal health,
                                                                than 200 OPs are in use for a variety of purposes, such as
             wildlife and aquatic systems, and the environment. Small
                                                                protection of crops, grains, gardens, homes and public
             animals often encounter poisoning with these insecticides
             via malicious activity or accidental exposure, while live-
                                                                  The first carbamate compound, physostigmine (eserine
             stock may ingest freshly sprayed crop or contaminated
                                                                alkaloid), was isolated from calabar beans (ordeal poison)
             feed. Although these compounds are neurotoxicants, they
                                                                of a perennial plant Physostigma venenosum in the mid-
             produce a variety of cholinergic and noncholinergic effects.
                                                                1860s. The compound was used to treat glaucoma. About
             The latest evidence suggests that while cholinergic mechan-
                                                                50 years later, an aromatic ester of carbamic acid, neo-
             isms play a critical role in the initial stage of toxicity,
                                                                stigmine, was synthesized and used in the treatment of
             neuronal damage/death appears to occur through noncholi-
                                                                myasthenia gravis. Most of the carbamates (esters of car-
             nergic mechanisms. OPs and CMs are discussed together
                                                                bamic acid) that are used as pesticides were synthesized
             here because they produce similar toxic effects in poisoned
                                                                in the 1960s and 1970s. Carbaryl was the first CM com-
             animals. This chapter describes various aspects of toxicity
                                                                pound used as an insecticide. The most toxic compound
             of OP and CM compounds and therapeutic interventions in
                                                                of this class, aldicarb, was synthesized by mimicking the
             animals. For more details, readers are referred to publica-
                                                                structure of ACh. Like OPs, thousands of CMs have been
             tions elsewhere (Gupta, 2006; Satoh and Gupta, 2010;
                                                                synthesized, but fewer than two dozen compounds have
             Gupta and Milatovic, 2012; Gupta et al., 2017).
                                                                been used practically. Today, CMs are preferred for pesti-
                                                                cide use over OPs because some OPs have been found to
                                                                be extremely neurotoxic, while others cause delayed neu-
                                                                ropathy in animals as well as in humans. In essence, both
             Tetraethyl pyrophosphate was the first OP compound syn-  OPs and CMs have broad applications in agriculture and
             thesized in 1854 by Philipe de Clermont. In 1932, Lange  veterinary medicine and as a result of their indiscriminate
             and Kruger described the synthesis of dimethyl and diethyl  use acute poisonings often result in animals, birds, fish,
             phosphorofluoridate. Based on the chemistry of these  and wildlife.
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
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