Page 529 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 529

496 SECTION | VI Insecticides         R I.  — X  —  R — O –— –— –—H             VX (VR). These compounds are highly toxic and pose
                                           — O
                                                                continuous threats to the lives of humans as well as
                                                                animals since they can be used as chemical weapons of
                                               –— N
                          –— 2
                          –— P –—R 1      — O  CH 3             mass destruction (CWMD). Unlike so many incidents in
                                                                humans, animals have also been victims in some inci-
                        R 2                —                    dents of military operations. These compounds produce
                                  R — O–— C–—    CH 3
                                              –— N–—            toxicity by directly inhibiting AChE, and are much more
                                             CH 3               potent than OP pesticides. Their chemical structures are
                                                                shown in Fig. 37.3. For details of toxicity of these
                                                                compounds, refer to Watson et al. (2006, 2015) and
             FIGURE 37.1 General structure for organophosphorus (I) and carba-  Rembovskiy et al. (2015).
             mate (II) insecticides. Adapted from Timchalk, C., 2006. Physiologically
             based pharmacokinetic modeling of organophosphorus and carbamate
             pesticides. In R.C. Gupta (Ed.), Toxicology of Organophosphate  CARBAMATES
             and Carbamate Compounds. Academic Press/Elsevier, Amsterdam,
             pp. 103 125                                        The carbamate (CM) compounds are esters of carbamic
                                                                acid. Unlike OPs, CM compounds are not structurally
                                                                complex. Chemical structures of some commonly used
                Basic structures of OPs and CMs are shown in Fig. 37.1.  CM insecticides are shown in Fig. 37.4, and brief toxi-
             There are at least 13 types of OPs (Table 37.1). Despite dif-  cological data of CMs is provided in Table 37.3.For
             ferences in chemical structures, all OPs share one thing in  the details of CMs, readers are referred to Gupta
             common: they all have a pentavalent phosphorus atom and  (2006) and Gupta and Milatovic (2012).Currently,the
             a characteristic phosphoryl bond (PO) or thiophosphoryl  volume of CMs used exceeds OPs because of their rel-
             bond (PS). Essentially, OPs are esters of phosphoric acid  ative safety.
             with varying combinations of oxygen, carbon, sulfur and/or
             nitrogen attached. Of course, the chemistry of these com-  PHARMACOKINETICS OF OPs AND CMs
             pounds is much more complex. The OPs that are derivatives
             of phosphoric or phosphonic acid possess anticholinesterase  Pharmacokinetics deals with the rate limiting processes
             activity, unlike those that are derivatives of phosphinic acid.  of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
             Usually, OP compounds have two alkyl substituents and an  (ADME). The ADME of some OP and CM insecticides in
             additional substituents group (the leaving group, which is  animals have been described (Tomokuni et al., 1985;
             more labile to hydrolysis than the alkyl group). Some OPs,  Gupta, 1994; Wu et al., 1996; Timchalk, 2006, 2010;
             such as dichlorvos, monocrotophos and trichlorfon, are  Gupta and Milatovic, 2012; Gupta et al., 2017). These
             direct AChE inhibitors, while those of the phosphorothio-  insecticides gain entry into the body mainly through oral,
             ates type, such as bromophos, diazinon, fenthion and para-  dermal, or inhalation exposure. Ingestion of food contami-
             thion, possess minimal anticholinesterase (anti-AChE)  nated with pesticides residue is common, while dermal
             activity and require desulfuration to analogous oxon before  exposure is more relevant when these insecticides are
             acquiring anti-AChE activity and hypercholinergic effects.  used as ectoparasiticides in the form of dust, dip, or oily
             Also, OPs that are used as defoliants (S,S,S-tributyl phos-  solution. Inhalation of airborne insecticides occurs during
             phorotrithioate  and S,S,S-tributyl  phosphorotrithioite),  or soon after aerial spray, particularly due to chemical
             herbicides (glyphosate and gluphosinate), flame retardants,  drift. Once the insecticide reaches a portal of entry, it is
             and plasticizers are of very low mammalian toxicity.  available for absorption. It is established that following
                                                                absorption, these insecticides are well distributed in tis-
                                                                sues throughout the body. Being lipophilic, maximum
             OP PESTICIDES
                                                                levels of these compounds are usually found in the adi-
             The majority of OP compounds are used as pesticides.  pose tissue and brain.
             Chemical descriptions for commonly used compounds    In terms of metabolism, OP insecticides may follow
             and their toxicity are given in Table 37.2. Chemical struc-  either  activation  and/or  detoxification.  Activation
             tures of some of the commonly used OP pesticides are  implies that the metabolite is more toxic than the parent
             shown in Fig. 37.2.                                compound, e.g., the conversion of malathion to malaox-
                                                                on. This process is often called “lethal synthesis.” On
                                                                the other hand, detoxification implies that the metabolite
                                                                is less toxic than the parent compound, e.g., the conver-
             OP nerve agents include tabun (GA), sarin (GB), soman  sion of malathion to malathion monoacid and malathion
             (GD), cyclosarin (GF), venom toxin (VX), and Russian  diacid. Unlike OPs, CMs are metabolized to less toxic or
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