Page 606 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 606

Toxicity of Fungicides Chapter | 45  571       Captan/folpet                                                      FIGURE 45.1 Mode of action for
                                                                                       captan and folpet in the mouse duo-
                                                                                       denum. Reproduced with permission
                                                                                       from Gordon, E.B., 2010. Captan
                                                                                       and folpet. In: Krieger, R. (Ed.),
                                                                         Shortened villi  Hayes’  Handbook  of  Pesticide
                                         Villi cell loss                               Toxicology,  third  ed.,  vol.  2.
                                                                           Enlarged    Elsevier,  New  York,  NY,  pp.
                                      Crypt cell proliferation
                                                                            crypts     1915 1949.
                  Normal duodenum                           Hyperplastic crypts
                                                           Dose   50 mg/kg/day

                                     Removal of captan/folpet
                                        Rapid recovery

                                                           Normal duodenum
                                       Continued irritation
                                                          Adenoma        Adenocarcinoma
                                      Proliferative pressure on
                                      spontaneously transformed
                                      cells in situ.

             half-life ranging from 11 to 26 h, urine is the main route of  and extensively absorbed, followed by rapid metabolism
             excretion (B75% 91% within 24 h). Up to 6% of the  and almost complete excretion, mainly in the urine and to
             administered dose is excreted in feces. Propamocarb is  a lesser extent in the bile, within 48 h. High tissue con-
             extensively metabolized, and only small quantities are  centrations have been seen soon after dosing in the kidney
             unchanged in urine. Metabolism involves aliphatic oxida-  and liver, with lower concentrations in the perirenal fat,
             tion of the propyl chain (to form hydroxyl propamocarb)  brain, gonads, and thyroid. In most species, the concentra-
             and N-oxidation and N-demethylation of the tertiary amine  tion of fluoride in the bone and teeth increases in a dose-
             resulting in propamocarb N-oxide and mono demethyl pro-  related manner (JMPR, 2002, 2005).
             pamocarb, respectively. Both benomyl and carbendazim are  Following an oral dose, conazole fungicides such as
             well absorbed after oral exposure (80% 85%) but poorly  triadimenol and triadimefon are rapidly absorbed and
             absorbed after dermal exposure (1% or 2%) in rats, mice,  widely distributed in the liver and kidney. Excretion and
             dogs, and hamsters. The major pathway of clearance is uri-  metabolism are rapid and extensive, predominantly through
             nary elimination in rats and mice, but in dogs the majority  oxidation of the t-butyl methyl group. Propiconazole indi-
             of the dose (83.4%) is eliminated via feces, with only  cates rapid and extensive absorption (80% of the adminis-
             16.2% of the dose eliminated in the urine after 72 h of dos-  tered dose) and is widely distributed, having the highest
             ing. In animals, benomyl is converted into carbendazim  concentration in liver and kidney. Excretion is more than
             through the loss of the n-butylcarbamyl side chain prior to  95% in the urine and feces within 48 h. There is extensive
             further metabolism. In dogs and rats, carbendazim under-  enterohepatic recirculation. The compound is extensively
             goes aryl hydroxylation oxidation at the fifth and sixth  metabolized with oxidation of the propyl side chain,
             positions of the benzimidazole ring, followed by sulfate or  hydroxylation of phenyl and triazole rings, and conjugation.
             glucuronide conjugation before elimination. The urinary  The cleavage of dioxolane is significantly different accord-
             excretion half-life of carbendazim in both male and female  ing to species and sex (JMPR, 2004). The other compound,
             rats is approximately 12 h. Benomyl, carbendazim and their  fludioxonil, is rapidly and extensively (80%) absorbed,
             metabolites are cleared rapidly from blood and exhibit mini-  widely distributed, extensively metabolized and rapidly
             mal potential for bioaccumulation in rats exposed orally or  excreted, primarily in feces (80%), with a small amount
             intravenously (Gardiner et al., 1974; JMPR, 2005).  being excreted in the urine (20%). The maximum blood
                Similarly, amide fungicides are rapidly absorbed and  concentration is reached within 1 h of administration.
             eliminated. Metalaxyl-M and metalaxyl can lead to stimu-  Elimination is biphasic, with half-lives of between 2 and
             lation of hepatic and renal cytochrome P450 and some  5 h for the first phase and between 30 and 60 h for the
             other drug metabolizing enzymes. Tolylfluanid is rapidly  second phase. The compound is extensively metabolized
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