Page 607 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 607

572 SECTION | VII Herbicides and Fungicides  primarily involving oxidation of the pyrrole ring (57% of  phosphorylation. Thiamine is cleaved into its constituent
                                                                pyrimidine and thiazole moieties, rendering it inactive.
             the administered dose) and a minor oxo-pyrrole metabolite
                                                                  Although the biochemical and molecular mechanism(s)
             (4% of the administered dose), followed by glucuronyl and
             sulfate conjugation. There is no potential of accumulation  by which captan and its analogs exert their cellular toxicity
             in the tissues. Trifloxystrobin is rapidly absorbed (66%) in  has not been fully established, captan is known to react
             48 h and is widely distributed, with highest concentrations  with cellular thiols to produce thiophosgene, a potent and
             in blood, liver and kidney. Within 72 h, 72% 96% of the  unstable chemical capable of reacting with sulfhydryl-,
             administered dose is eliminated in the urine and feces.  amino-, or hydroxyl-containing enzymes (Cremlyn, 1978).
             Metabolism is extensive, and the compound undergoes  Thiols reduce the potency of captan. A volatile product of
             hydroxylation, O-demethylation, oxidation, conjugation,  captan is responsible for mutagenic activity, the intermedi-
             chain shortening and cleavage between glyoxylphenyl and  ate being short-lived and formed more quickly at higher
             trifluoromethyl moieties (JMPR, 2004).             levels at an alkaline pH. There are several other mechan-
                                                                isms by which these chemicals can induce cellular toxicity.
                                                                For example, mouse tumors develop with oral administra-
                                                                tion above a threshold if maintained for at least 6 months.
             There are a series of biochemical changes or free radical-  As shown in Fig. 45.1, epithelial cells that comprise the
             mediated processes; some may also be produced by other  villi are damaged by exposure to captan and sloughed off
             mechanisms that have been used to assess tissue injury.  into the intestinal lumen at an increased rate. Second, the
             This is exemplified by the phenomenon of lipid peroxida-  basal cells in the crypt compartment that normally divide
             tion, which has been invoked as a toxic mechanism in  at a rate commensurate with the normal loss of villi cells
             many situations and also occurs subsequent to cell death  from the tips of the villi increase, resulting in high cell pro-
             and membrane lysis. However, in most situations, it is  liferation, which is not carcinogenic per se but does play a
             difficult to identify the exact mechanism of action. For  role in tumor development. However, there appears to be
             example, in fungicides containing mercury, the mercury  no treatment-related duodenal tumor incidence of captan
             ions inhibit the sulfhydryl group of enzymes involved  in rats or dogs. Some of the data have been compiled in
             in the transfer of amino acids across the blood brain bar-  reviews, and a task force and framework have been evolv-
             rier (BBB) and then interfere with protein synthesis.  ing for evaluation of the mode of toxicity and tumorogeni-
             Organomercurials can also release some mercury ions in  city findings in mice bioassay and human relevance for
             the body, but their toxicity is not believed to be a primary  risk assessment purposes (Arce et al., 2010; Cohen et al.,
             action of mercury ions (Sandhu and Brar, 2009). There are  2010; Gordon, 2010).
             several theories regarding the mechanism by which sulfur  Chlorothalonil fungicide is a reactive molecule toward
             produces its toxic action. The oxidized sulfur theory attri-  thio ( SH) groups. It is a soft electrophile with a prefer-
             butes toxicity to its oxidation products, such as sulfur diox-  ence for sulfur nucleophiles rather than nitrogen/oxygen
             ide, sulfur trioxide, thiosulfuric acid, or pentathionic acid.  nucleophiles. Such chemicals tend to show reactivity
             The reduced sulfur theory ascribes toxicity to hydrogen  toward proteins containing critical S electrophiles rather
             sulfide. A direct action theory suggests toxicity due to  than toward DNA (containing critical O and N nucleo-
             crosslinking of proteins, formation of other cellular com-  philes). A mechanistic interpretation for the carcinogenic-
             ponents by free radicals of sulfur or polysulfides, or exten-  ity of chlorothalonil has been published by Wilkinson and
             sive oxidation of thiol groups leading to loss of function or  Killeen (1996). Repeated administration of chlorothalonil
             structural integrity of proteins. Pentachlorophenol (PCP), a  causes hyperplasia in the forestomach of rats and mice.
             halogenated substituted monocyclic aromatic, acts cellu-  The data are consistent with a temporal sequence of
             larly to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, with the tar-  events starting with increased cell proliferation, multifocal
             get enzyme being Na /K -ATPase. Oxygen consumption  ulceration and erosion of the forestomach mucosa, regen-
             is increased, whereas adenosine triphosphate (ATP) forma-  erative hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, and ultimately
             tion is decreased. The energy is lost as heat instead of  progressing to the formation of gastric tumors within the
             being stored as high-energy phosphate bonds. The electron  forestomach. In dogs, there is no evidence of either neo-
             transport chain responds by using increasingly more avail-  plastic development or the occurrence of preneoplastic
             able oxygen (increased oxygen demand) in an effort to  lesions in the kidney or stomach. The absence of stomach
             produce ATP, but much of the free energy is lost as body  lesions in dogs is attributable to the anatomical differ-
             heat. This leads to depletion of energy reserves (Eaton and  ences between rodents and dogs: dogs do not possess a
             Gallagher, 1997). Similarly, organotin compounds, partic-  forestomach. Continued administration of chlorothalonil
             ularly triethyltin, uncouple oxidative phosphorylation,  leads to the development of a regenerative hyperplasia
             whereas other agents (e.g., sulfur) in the presence of sulfit-  within the renal proximal tubular epithelium. Continued
             ing agents such as sulfur dioxide uncouple oxidative  regenerative hyperplasia ultimately results in progression
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