Page 610 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 610

Toxicity of Fungicides Chapter | 45  575  Metallic Fungicides                              LD 50 of 2047 mg/kg BW in the rat and is a mild irritant
                                                                in the rabbit eye. The compound has the potential to pro-
             Inorganic metallic fungicides were first used in agriculture.
                                                                duce pulmonary adenoma, but it is neither embryotoxic
             They are protective and preventive. Mercuric and mercu-
                                                                nor teratogenic in mice (Ballantyne, 2003). Chloroneb,
             rous compounds have been withdrawn because of their tox-
                                                                quintozene, and dicloran have low toxicity, and dinocap
             icity. Ethylmercury phosphate, 2-methoxyethylmercury
                                                                is a moderate eye irritant and has a human skin sensitizing
             chloride, phenylmercury chloride and phenylmercury ace-
                                                                potential. HCB, like other organochlorine compounds,
             tate are used as seed treatments for cereals and fodder beet
                                                                possesses all the properties of chemical stability, slow
             (Lorgue et al., 1996). Cattle, sheep, and pigs are the most
                                                                degradation, and biotransformation with potential to accu-
             affected species. Oral LD 50 ranges from 10 to 500 mg/kg
                                                                mulate in adipose tissues and organs containing a high
             BW, depending on the species and the particular compound
                                                                content of lipid membranes, and it has the ability to
             involved. The organic metallic fungicides are both aliphatic
                                                                induce a range of tissue cytochrome P450 as well as con-
             and aromatic. Many are of moderate to high mammalian
                                                                jugate enzymes. Repeated exposure in animals results in
             toxicity, with several being immunotoxic and neurotoxic.
                                                                hepatomegaly and porphyria as well as focal alopecia
             Livestock exposed to mercurials may develop central ner-
                                                                with itching and eruptions, followed by pigmented scars,
             vous system (CNS) and skin changes. The CNS signs
                                                                anorexia and neurotoxicity expressed as irritability, ataxia
             include incoordination and ataxia, body swaying followed
                                                                and tremors. The compound can increase hepatic and thy-
             by prostration, convulsions and death. CNS stimulation is
                                                                roid tumors in hamsters and is teratogenic in mice (renal
             seen in calves, dogs, cats, rats, and humans. However, other
                                                                and palate malformations) and in rats (increased incidence
             species (adult cattle, swine, and fowl) manifest CNS depres-
                                                                of 14th rib). HCB is also toxic to developing perinatal
             sion. Other signs associated with organomercurials are
                                                                animals (Table 45.1) and causes adverse effects on the
             bronchopneumonia, hyperpyrexia, epistasis, mucous mem-
                                                                immune system (Costa, 2008). PCP has oral LD 50 of
             brane hemorrhages, hematuria and bloody feces. Skin
                                                                150 210 mg/kg BW in the rat. Common signs of toxicity
             lesions include eczema, pustules, ulceration, keratinization,
                                                                are increased respiration, increased body temperature, tre-
             dehydration, weakness, and death (Sandhu and Brar, 2009).
                                                                mors, convulsions, loss in righting reflex, and asphyxial
             Typical organotins are di- and trialkyl and triphenyltins. In
                                                                spasms. Corneal injury may result from splashes or vapor
             general, they are severely irritating to the skin, eyes and
                                                                overexposure. Toxicity is more often due to contamina-
             mucosa, and several are hepatorenotoxic and immunotoxic.
                                                                tion of commercial-grade PCP. Technical-grade PCP
             They have been shown to increase susceptibility to infec-
                                                                causes hepatic porphyria, increased microsomal monooxy-
             tion, decrease lymphopoiesis and decrease T lymphocyte
                                                                genase activity and increased liver weight. Lethal dose in
             production. Trialkyl tins cross the BBB and are centrally
                                                                cattle and sheep is in the range of 120 140 mg/kg BW.
             neurotoxic (WHO, 1990).
                                                                Chronic toxicity leads to emaciation, weight loss, reduced
                                                                productivity (milk, eggs, meat, etc.), and increased mor-
             Halogenated Substituted Monocyclic                 tality in poultry (ATSDR, 1994; Lorgue et al., 1996).
             This class of chemicals includes chlorothalonil, dicloran,  Chloroalkylthiodicarboximides
             HCB, quintozene, PCP, dichlorophen, dinocap, tecnazene
             and chloroneb. Chlorothalonil is a nontoxic halogenated
             benzonitrile  fungicide.  Dermal  irritation  has  been  This class of chemicals contains broad-spectrum fungi-
             observed following repeated exposure in the rat and rab-  cides (captan, folpet, captafol, etc.) used as surface pro-
             bit. Chlorothalonil causes irreversible and severe ocular  tectants on many crops. They are usually nontoxic to
             lesions in rabbits. Signs of toxicity include decreased BW  mammals. The oral LD 50 in rats is as follows: captan,
             and decreased hematological parameters, increased abso-  .9000 mg/kg BW; folpet, .10,000 mg/kg BW; and cap-
             lute kidney weight, vacuolar degeneration in the proximal  tafol, .5000 mg/kg BW. However, a low-protein diet
             tubular epithelium, and hyperplasia of the forestomach.  makes the animal more sensitive. Of this class of chemi-
             Chlorothalonil is not genotoxic in vivo. Treatment-related  cals, folpet and captafol, which are true phthalimides,
             increase in renal tubular adenoma and carcinoma, squa-  have been deregistered; only captan, being structurally
             mous cell adenoma, and carcinomas of the forestomach of  different with a cyclohexene ring, is being used. The com-
             both species have been reported. Chlorothalonil is not a  pound is a severe eye irritant because of its high reactiv-
             developmental or reproductive toxicant when tested up to  ity. Folpet induces incidences of diarrhea, vomiting,
             doses that cause significant maternal toxicity and mater-  salivation, reduced food intake, and reduced BW gain.
             nal death; however, a significant increase in the incidence  Testes weights are reduced in dogs. A single dose applied
             of postimplantation loss due to early embryonic death has  to the skin results in mild to low irritation. Long-term
             been observed (Parsons, 2010). Tecnazene has an oral  exposure to rats causes hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of
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