Page 608 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 608

Toxicity of Fungicides Chapter | 45  573  of the kidney lesion to tubular adenoma and carcinoma.  stimulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary (Atterwill
                                                                and Aylard, 1995). Prolonged and continuous elevation of
             Initial cytotoxicity and regenerative hyperplasia within
                                                                TSH levels results in hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the
             the proximal tubular epithelium are essential prerequisites
             for subsequent tumor development. The proposed mode  thyroid follicular cells in rats, mice, hamsters, monkeys,
             of action for the induction of renal toxicity in rodents is  and dogs, leading to development of follicular nodular
             outlined in Fig. 45.2.                             hyperplasia, adenoma and/or carcinoma in rats and mice
                The toxicology database supporting mechanism of  (Ollinger et al., 2010). Conazoles such as propiconazole
             action of carbamic acid derivatives such as EBDCs and  have a phenobarbital-type mode of action, leading to cell
             their common metabolite ETU has been explained using  proliferation, increased liver weight, and microsomal
             modern studies with mancozeb, maneb and metiram    enzyme induction (JMPR, 2004).
             because the principal target organ is the thyroid. These
             compounds inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormone, thy-  TOXICITY
             roxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3), leading to elevated
             levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) via feedback  There is a wide and diverse spectrum of chemical struc-
                                                                tures of fungicides, covering both inorganic and organic
                                                                substances, thus leading in toxicity to livestock. Some of
                            Parent chlorothalonil               these fungicides are believed to be obsolete or discontin-
                                  CN                            ued. To date, several fungicides have been evaluated by
                              Cl      Cl
                                                                WHO for their toxic potential and acceptable daily intake
                                                                has been recommended by the Joint Meeting on Pesticide
                              Cl      CN
                                  Cl                            Residues (JMPR). A number of livestock poisoning cases
                                         Absorption             from fungicides result from treated grains or potatoes, etc.
                                      conjugation to GSH        Most of the available toxicity data are from laboratory ani-
                                                                mals; little information is available for farm animals and
                            CN          CN
                       GS       Cl  GS      SG                  pets. In general, newer classes of fungicides have low
                                                                to moderate toxicity. However, the toxicity of fungi-
                                                                cides may vary due to the presence of other ingredients
                        Cl      CN  Cl      CN
                            GS          GS                      (e.g., surfactants and emulsifiers) present in the formu-
              excretion                                         lation. The details of guidelines for their hazard evalua-
                                                                tion and their classification have previously been
                                                       Plasma   summarized (IPCS, 2002; Gupta, 2006). There is
                 GIT                                            increasing experimental and anecdotal evidence that
                                                                exposure to fungicides also affects at least some form
                                                                of development and/or reproduction in one or more spe-
                             Cysteine conjugates
                                                                cies of animals. A nonexhaustive list of fungicides that
                     N-Acetylase          β-Lyase               cause developmental toxicity in experimental animals is
                                                       Kidney   presented in Table 45.1. More than 80% of all onco-
                    Mercapturates        Thiol-derived          genic risk from the use of pesticides derives from a few
                                                                fungicides; however, only a small proportion of
                                Renal toxicity                  pesticide-related deaths from fungicides have been
                                                                reported (NAS, 1987; Costa, 1997).

                                                                Inorganic Fungicides
                                 excretion                      This class of fungicides includes potassium azide, potas-
                                                                sium thiocyanate, and titrated or sublimed sulfur. Sulfur
             FIGURE 45.2 Schematic outlining potential pathways of chlorothalonil
                                                                had been in use throughout the 19th and early 20th centu-
             metabolism in the rat that leads to formation of toxic metabolites within
             the kidney. Following absorption from the GI tract, chlorothalonil is con-  ries. Elemental sulfur and crude lime sulfur (calcium
             jugated to glutathione in the liver. Further metabolic processing results  polysulfide and barium polysulfide) are commonly used
             in the formation of cysteine conjugates that may be detoxified via  as fungicides. The most notable chemical property of sul-
             N-acetylase or activated to toxic thiol-derived species. GIT, gastrointesti-  fur is its tendency to spontaneously oxidize. This property
             nal tract; GSH, glutathione. Reproduced with permission from Parsons,
             P.P., 2010. Mammalian toxicokinetics and toxicity of chlorothalonil.  is responsible for sulfur’s effects on the eyes, skin, and
             In: Krieger, R. (Ed.), Hayes’ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, third  respiratory tract. Safety concerns presented by combustion
             ed., vol. 2. Elsevier, New York, NY, pp. 1951 1966.  of sulfur can be mitigated by avoiding its use during
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