Page 439 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 439

CHAPTER 22  Soft Tissue Sarcomas  417


                                    Proportion of dogs free of tumor recurrence  0.6                         0.8



                                         0      500    1000    1500     2000    2500    3000
                                                      Recurrence-free interval (days)
                                              Lack of tumor cells at surgical margins
                                              Evidence of tumor cells at surgical margins
                           • Fig. 22.12  Kaplan–Meier curve for disease-free interval in 39 dogs with complete surgical removal of soft
                           tissue sarcomas and 36 dogs with incomplete surgical margins. (Reprinted with permission from Kuntz
                           CA, Dernell WS, Powers BE, et al: Prognostic factors for surgical treatment of soft-tissue sarcomas in
                           dogs: 75 cases (1986–1996), J Am Vet Med Assoc 211:1147, 1997.)

             Local tumor characteristics also influence local tumor control.   poorer STs. 32,113,126–130  Local tumor recurrence is still possible
           Tumor size has been reported to have a negative effect on local   after either complete resection or incomplete resection com-
           tumor control, especially for incompletely excised STSs. 35,46,111    bined with adjunctive RT. 35,135–138  Consequently, examination of
           Local tumor recurrence is up to 7.0 times more likely after mar-  the treatment site is recommended at regular intervals, such as
           ginal resection of PWTs greater than 5 cm diameter and the risk   monthly for the first 3 months, then every 3 months for the first
           of local tumor recurrence increases by up to 1.3 times for every 1   12 months, and then every 6 months thereafter. 10,110  The median
           cm increase in tumor size. 46,111  This may be because a large tumor   time to local tumor recurrence varies from 368 to greater than 798
           size influences the ability to achieve complete histologic excision   days, which emphasizes the need for long-term follow-up in these
           or because a larger tumor size may indicate a more aggressive bio-  cases. 32,34,35,46,113,135–137,140,141  
           logic behavior. 46,116  Tumor size has not been identified as a prog-
           nostic factor in other studies, 32,33,139,169  and does not influence   Metastasis
           local tumor control in dogs treated with surgery and adjuvant RT
           or RT alone. 142,169,170  Dogs with fixed or invasive STSs have sig-  The overall metastatic rate in dogs with STS varies from 0% to
           nificantly decreased DFIs and STs.  Invasive or fixed tumors are   31%, with a median time to metastasis of 230 to 365 days. 31–
           associated with a two-fold increased risk for local recurrence com-  34,35,46,113,135–138,141   Factors  that  increase  the  risk  of  metastatic
           pared with well-circumscribed STSs after marginal resection,    disease include histologic grade, number of mitotic figures, per-
           and PWTs invasive into muscle were eight times more likely to   centage of tumor necrosis, and local tumor recurrence. The meta-
           recur after marginal resection. 32,111                static rates for dogs with grade I, II, and III STSs are 0% to 13%,
             Local tumor recurrence has been associated with an increased   7% to 27%, and 22% to 44%, respectively. 31,35,156  Metastasis is
           risk of tumor-related death and decreased STs in some studies. 31,34    significantly more likely in dogs with pleomorphic and undiffer-
           In one study of 350 dogs with STSs managed in nonreferral prac-  entiated sarcomas compared with FSAs, PNSTs, myxosarcomas,
           tices, local tumor recurrence was associated with a 5-fold risk of   and liposarcomas.  Metastasis is five times more likely when
           death.  Although many dogs can live with recurrent STSs, local   tumors have a mitotic rate of 20 or more mitotic figures/10 HPF
           recurrence is more difficult to manage and may result in owners   compared with fewer than 20 mitotic figures/10 HPF.  In one
           electing euthanasia rather than pursuing further treatment. The   study, no dog with a STS at or below the level of the elbow or stifle
           median postrecurrence ST for dogs euthanized because of their   developed metastatic disease.  
           local tumor recurrence is 256 days and this is significantly worse
           than the 945 days median postrecurrence ST for dogs with local   Survival
           recurrence that die of unrelated reasons.  This underscores the
           importance of wide  excision of STSs initially, as  the manage-  The  MST for  dogs with  STS ranges  from 1013  to 1796 days
           ment of recurrent STSs is usually more difficult with curative-  after surgery alone to 2270 days with surgery and adjunctive RT
           intent treatment of recurrent STSs requiring a more aggressive   for nonoral STSs. 25,34,35,135,136  However, the majority of studies
           approach,  resulting  in  increased  treatment-related  morbidity   report MSTs that cannot be calculated because only 9% to 33%
           with the potential for shorter DFIs, higher metastatic rates, and   of dogs eventually die of tumor-related causes after curative-intent
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