Page 559 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 559

CHAPTER 25  Tumors of the Skeletal System  537

               A                                B                                C

                           • Fig. 25.6  Limb salvage surgery. (A) Preoperative lateral radiograph of a distal radial osteosarcoma lesion
                           in a dog. (B) Craniocaudal specimen radiograph after tumor resection. (C) Lateral postoperative radiograph
                           after allograft replacement and plate fixation.

           occurs, it may be controlled with long-term antibiotic therapy,   published in 2006. 214  No significant differences in the number of
           but infections are rarely resolved with  antibiotics. 162  Infection   complications were noted between endoprostheses and allografts.
           may result in soft tissue defects from draining tracts, exposure of   In a recent study comparing clinical outcome in 45 dogs treated
           the plate or allograft, and hardware loosening. Revision surgeries,   with either first or second generation endoprosthesis LSS, the
           either for hardware complications or soft tissue reconstruction,   overall complication rate was 96%, including infection in 78%,
           are not uncommon. Additionally, amputation for catastrophic   implant-related complications in 36%, and local recurrence in
           implant failure, local recurrence, or unmanageable infection is   24% of dogs. 215  An endoprosthesis is an attractive alternative to
           sometimes required.                                   cortical allografts for LSS of the distal aspect of the radius in dogs
             Metal endoprosthesis. This technique utilizes a commercially   because surgical and oncologic outcomes are similar. The com-
           available metal endoprosthesis with a modified bone plate (Fig.   mercially available endoprosthesis is an off-the-shelf implant with
           25.7), 3D printed, or custom-designed endoprostheses. The   no need for tissue banking. Various patient-specific, 3D-printed
           surgery is nearly identical to the procedure described for corti-  endoprostheses have been utilized with good results. 216,217  
           cal allografts with an endoprosthesis used instead of an allograft.   Longitudinal bone transport osteogenesis. Longitudinal bone
           A prospective comparison of complications between cortical   transport osteogenesis (BTO) is a limb salvage technique reported
           allograft  and  commercially  available  endoprosthesis LSSs  was   in dogs (Fig. 25.8) 218–220  that utilizes Ilizarov (circular) fixators
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