Page 555 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 25  Tumors of the Skeletal System  533

           The reasons for why serum ALP may impart a negative prognosis   longer DFI (331 days) than dogs with high survivin immunoreac-
           have been incompletely explored; however, two recent investiga-  tivity scores within the primary tumor (173 days).
                                                                   VEGF and the enzymatic activities of COX-2 serve as potent
           tions postulate putative mechanisms. In one study of 96 dogs with  appendicular OSA, a positive correlation between serum bone ALP   regulators of angiogenesis, and their independent expressions
                                                                 have been associated with poorer prognosis for a variety of
           and absolute tumor size was identified; in dogs with progressive
           OSA metastatic burden, serum bone ALP increased and coincided   cancers. Given that angiogenesis is a necessary step for tumor
           with the development of macroscopic metastases. 182  Based upon   growth and metastases, both  VEGF and COX-2 have been
           these findings, the association between increased pretreatment bone   investigated in dogs with OSA. 185,187,189  In one study of 25
           ALP and negative clinical prognosis may simply be attributed to   dogs treated with definitive surgery and systemic chemother-
           a greater initial tumor burden and advanced clinical stage of dis-  apy, baseline platelet-corrected serum  VEGF concentrations
           ease. 182  In a second study, increased bone ALP was suggested as an   were  associated  with  DFI,  but  not  ST. 187   Dogs  with  VEGF
           epiphenomenon to active endothelin-1 signaling by malignant OSA   concentration in the lower 50th percentile achieved a signifi-
           cells whereby the secretion of endothelin-1 by OSA cells endowed   cantly longer DFI (356 days) than dogs with VEGF levels in
           a protumorigenic advantage and secondary “passenger” bone ALP   the upper 50th percentile (145 days). In two studies, COX-2
           production given the osteoblastic properties of endothelin-1 signal-  expression was characterized in primary tumors derived from
           ing.  These two studies suggesting that elevations in bone ALP may   44 dogs and 27 dogs, respectively, with positive COX-2 stain-
           be an epiphenomenon of either tumor burden or osteoblastic signal-  ing identified in 88% and 93% of tumors evaluated   185,189
           ing pathways are consistent with a third study demonstrating that   In dogs treated with amputation and doxorubicin (DOX),
           canine OSA cell lines derived from dogs with differing bone ALP   COX-2 immunoreactivity score, a product of stain intensity
           concentrations (normal versus high) do not differ in their in vitro   and percentage of positive cells, was potentially correlated with
           protumorigenic potentials. 183                        disease outcome. Dogs with primary tumors demonstrating
                                                                 strong stain intensity had a significantly shorter MST (86 days)
           Molecular, Genetic, and Immunologic Indices of Prognosis  than dogs with tumors staining negative (MST 423 days), poor
           The expression of several molecular proteins, including ezrin,   (MST 399 days), or moderate (MST 370 days) for COX-2.
           recepteur d’origine Nantaise (RON), survivin, vascular endo-  Recently, global gene expression analysis of canine OSA stem
           thelial growth factor (VEGF), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and   cells identified that COX-2 gene transcription was expressed
           heat shock protein (HSP), has been reported to influence DFIs   141-fold greater in canine OSA stem cells compared with non-
           and STs in dogs. 98,184–188  Ezrin is a cellular protein belonging   stem cells; this suggests that COX-2 activity may play a role in
           to the ezrin-radixin-moesin family and serves as a physical and   tumor initiation and progression. 190
           functional anchor site for cytoskeletal F-actin fibers. Given the   HSPs play a critical role in cellular responses to stress and aid in
           involvement of ezrin in cytoskeletal remodeling, it has been   appropriate protein folding and protection cells after endoplasmic
           demonstrated in murine preclinical models that ezrin is neces-  reticulum stressors, which otherwise would induce programmed
           sary for OSA metastases.  Through the use of a canine tissue   cell death. Cancer cells may deregulate HSP expression to favor
           microarray with known clinical outcome data, the presence of   survival and HSP gene expression has been investigated in canine
           high ezrin staining in primary tumors was associated with a sig-  OSA. In a study of dogs with OSA, a significantly increased expres-
           nificantly shorter median DFI (116 days) compared with dogs   sion of HSP60 was found to be associated with reduced DFIs and
           with low primary tumor ezrin staining (188 days).     STs in a subset of patients achieving long-term disease control.
             Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) and RON are mem-  Mechanistic studies demonstrated that knockdown of HSP60
           bers of the MET protooncogene family of receptor tyrosine kinases,   reduced cell proliferative capacity and induced apoptosis. These
           and signaling through MET or RON promotes tumorigenesis and   collective findings suggest that HSP60 overexpression might be
           the formation of metastases. MET and RON are capable of het-  associated with poor prognosis in dogs with OSA. 188
           erodimerization with one another, resulting in cellular crosstalk   With the near complete sequencing of the canine genome
           that may alter the strength and duration of signal transduction   and the commercial availability of canine-specific gene microar-
           with resultant protumorigenic effects. Given the role of MET and   rays, it has become possible to characterize and validate specific
           RON in metastases, their expression in OSA has been evaluated in   tumor-associated genetic determinants associated with clini-
           dogs. 184  Through the use of a canine OSA tissue array with linked   cal outcomes and prognosis. In one gene expression profiling
           outcome data, expression of RON, but not MET, was prognostic   study, primary OSA tissues were analyzed from two groups of
           for survival. Dogs with high RON expression in their primary   dogs with different clinical outcomes, specifically dogs achieving
           tumors had significantly decreased STs than dogs with absent, low,   DFIs either less than 100 days or more than 300 days after uni-
           or intermediate RON expression.                       form treatment with amputation and systemic chemotherapy. 106
             Survivin is a small protein belonging to the inhibitor of apop-  Derived from microarray analysis and confirmed by RT-PCR,
           tosis family and participates in the processes of cell division as   eight specific gene transcripts were significantly different between
           well as apoptosis inhibition. As a dimer, survivin inhibits both   poor responders (<100 days) and good responders (>300 days).
           caspase-dependent and -independent mediated apoptosis, and its   In dogs categorized as poor responders, six transcripts, includ-
           expression can promote tumorigenesis. Given the antiapoptotic   ing insulin-like growth factor II and alcohol dehydrogenase were
           properties of survivin, its overexpression may provide a survival   downregulated, and two transcripts were upregulated in com-
           advantage to cancer cells and be associated with a negative prog-  parison to good responders. To better characterize the molecu-
           nosis. In one study, the expression of survivin was characterized in   lar pathways associated with the differentially expressed genes
           67 primary OSA samples with known outcome data. 186  Survivin   identified in microarray analysis, a broader systems approach
           expression was detected in 65 tissue samples and expression inten-  was used to identify changes in groups of interacting genes or
           sity was associated with DFI. Dogs with primary tumors express-  pathways that may contribute to metastatic progression or che-
           ing low survivin immunoreactivity scores achieved a significantly   motherapy resistance. In general, pathway expression differences
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