Page 565 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 25  Tumors of the Skeletal System  543

            TABLE 25.2     Abbreviated Summary of Historic and Adjuvant Chemotherapy Protocols Derived From Studies
                        With a Minimum of 20 Dogs  Drug            Dose Regime and Number of   Disease-Free   Survival Outcomes   Comments
             Cisplatin 17      70 mg/m  IV for two treat-  Median 177–226   Median 262–282 days  No significant difference in
             Single agent        ments, every 21 days    days         1-year survival rate 38%–43%  survival data for dogs
                                 n = 36                               2-year survival rate 16%–18%  given cisplatin before or
                                                                                                after amputation
             Cisplatin 201  (some dogs   60 mg/m  IV for one to six treat-  -  Median 325 days  Apparent increase in treat-
               treated with limb   ments, every 21 days n = 22        1-year survival rate 45.5%  ment failures due to bone
               salvage surgery)                                       2-year survival rate 20.9%  metastasis
             Single agent
             SPI-77 269  liposome    350 mg/m  IV for four treat-  Median 156 days  Median 333 days  Dramatic increase in cumula-
               encapsulated cisplatin  ments, every 21 days                                     tive cisplatin dose without
             Single agent        n = 20                                                         the need for diuresis
             Lobaplatin 407    35 mg/m  IV for four treatments,       1-year overall survival rate 31.8%  No need for diuresis with this
             Single agent        every 21 days                        1-year disease-free survival rate   platinum analog
             Doxorubicin and    Doxorubicin at 12.5–25 mg/m  IV   -   Median 345 days         Unacceptable toxicity with
               cisplatin 408     followed in 2 hours by cisplatin     1-year survival rate 48%  doxorubicin at 25 mg/m 2
             Concurrent combination  at 60 mg/m  IV or three treat-   2-year survival rate 28%
                                 ments n = 102
             Doxorubicin and    Cisplatin at 50 mg/m  IV on    Median 240 days  Median 300 days  Much better tolerated protocol
               cisplatin 273     day 1 and doxorubicin at                                       compared with concurrent
             Concurrent combination  15 mg/m  IV on day 2 for four                              cisplatin-doxorubicin 408
                                 treatments n = 35
             Doxorubicin and    Doxorubicin at 30 mg/m  IV fol-       Median 300 days         Alternating combination well
               cisplatin 409     lowed by cisplatin at 60 mg/                                   tolerated with no grade
             Alternating combination  m  IV 21 days later for two                               III or IV dose-limiting
                                 treatments, every 21 days                                      toxicities
                                 n = 38
             Carboplatin and    Carboplatin at 300 mg/m  IV   Median 203 days  Median 279 days  Well-tolerated protocol with
               gemcitabine 410   then gemcitabine 2 mg/kg IV          1-year survival rate 29.5%  low incidence of grade
             Concurrent combination  as a 20-minute infusion          2-year survival rate 11.3%  III or IV hematologic
                                 4 hours postcarboplatin for                                    toxicities
                                 four treatments, every 21
                                 days n = 50

           followed by  combination  chemotherapy consisting of  carbo-  DOX therapy was well tolerated; only one grade III neutropenia,
           platin (175 mg/m ) administered on day 1, followed by DOX   one grade III thrombocytopenia, and one grade III vomiting were
           (15 mg/m ) on day 2. 275  Combination DOX-carboplatin was   recorded from a total of 88 doses of carboplatin and 82 doses of
           administered every 21 days for a maximum of four treatment   DOX administered. The median DFI and MST were 227 and 320
           cycles. Nineteen dogs completed four treatment cycles. The   days, respectively, with 1- and 2-year survival rates of 48% and
           tolerability of the combination was good with mild GI toxicity   18%, respectively.
           reported in approximately 50% of dogs; grade III hematologic   In a second study, 50 dogs were treated with amputation
           toxicity or greater was rare. The median DFI and MST were   and, 10 to 14 days postoperatively, alternating combination che-
           195 and 235 days, respectively, and not considered superior to   motherapy with carboplatin (300 mg/m ) and DOX (30 mg/
           historical single-agent studies.                      m ) every 21 days for three cycles (three carboplatin and three
                                                                 DOX). 277  Adverse events, including grade III or IV hematologic
           Doxorubicin-Carboplatin Alternating Chemotherapy      toxicity, were reported in 18% of dogs and grade III or IV GI
           The tolerability and activity of full-dose, alternating combina-  toxicity was recorded in 12% of dogs. The median DFI and MST
           tions with DOX and carboplatin have been investigated. In one   were 202 and 258, respectively. 
           study, 32 dogs were treated with amputation or LSS and then
           with adjuvant carboplatin (300 mg/m  or 10 mg/kg if <15 kg)   Doxorubicin-Carboplatin Modified Combination
           followed 21 days later with DOX (30 mg/m  or 1.0 mg/kg if    Sequencing or Dose Interval
           <15 kg). 276  Dogs were treated with up to three treatment cycles   Combination sequencing or dose interval alterations with carbo-
           (three carboplatin and three DOX). Alternating carboplatin and   platin and DOX have been investigated to assess whether this may
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