Page 567 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 25  Tumors of the Skeletal System  545

           one study, dogs were treated with limb amputation and cisplatin   exerted by ADXS31-164. Overall, the adjuvant use of ADXS31-
           every 4 weeks for four treatments. Upon completion of cisplatin   164 after standard-of-care therapy was well tolerated, and treated
                                                                 dogs achieved prolonged disease control with a median DFI and
           therapy, 25 dogs without overt evidence of pulmonary metastasis  were randomized to receive either L-MTP-PE or empty liposomes   MST of 615 and 956 days, respectively. 287  
           twice a week for 8 weeks. Dogs treated with L-MTP-PE had a
           significantly longer MST (14.4 months) than dogs treated with   Molecular Targeted Therapies for Dogs with
           empty liposomes (9.8 months).                         Osteosarcoma
             Unlike the first study in which cisplatin and L-MTP-PE was
           administered serially, the second study investigated the anticancer   The GH and IGF-1 growth factor signaling cascade has been thor-
           activities of concurrently administered cisplatin and L-MTP-PE   oughly investigated in OSA. The putative roles of GH and IGF-1
           in 64 dogs. All dogs were treated with limb amputation and cis-  in OSA pathogenesis are supported by several clinical observations
           platin every 3 weeks for four treatments. Within 24 hours after the   in both humans and dogs. Given the central roles of GH and
           first cisplatin treatment, dogs were randomized to concurrently   IGF-1 in skeletal growth and homeostasis, as well as their role
           receive either L-MTP-PE twice weekly, L-MTP-PE once weekly,   in cell survival, it has been hypothesized that aberrant or exces-
           or empty liposomes once weekly for 8 weeks. Dogs treated with   sive GH and IGF-1 signaling is likely involved in OSA patho-
           concurrent L-MTP-PE (once or twice weekly) and cisplatin did   genesis. 288  To investigate the biologic consequences of attenuating
           not have an improvement in median DFI or MST compared with   GH and IGF-1 autocrine and/or paracrine signaling in OSA, a
           dogs treated with concurrent empty liposomes and cisplatin. The   randomized clinical trial of 44 dogs with OSA was conducted
           MSTs for the twice weekly, once weekly L-MTP-PE, and empty   in which circulating IGF-1 concentrations were suppressed with
           liposome groups were 10.3, 10.5, and 7.6 months, respectively.  the administration of a long-acting somatostatin analog (Onco-
             These studies suggest that innate immune activation may be a   LAR). 268  All dogs were treated with amputation and carbopla-
           strategy for improving outcomes in dogs with OSA. This priming   tin in combination with either OncoLAR or control vehicle. The
           of the innate immune system has been leveraged through different   administration  of OncoLAR resulted in a 43% reduction in
           strategies. The potential to create localized inflammation, apopto-  circulating IGF-1 concentrations in comparison to baseline val-
           sis, and necrosis within the immediate tumor microenvironment   ues; however, incomplete suppression in IGF-1 did not result in
           with subsequent adaptive immune cell priming was evaluated in   improved DFIs or overall MSTs in comparison to dogs treated
           dogs with OSA receiving an intratumoral adenoviral vector for   with carboplatin and the vehicle.
           FasL (Ad-FasL). Through an open-label clinical trial, 52 dogs with   Molecular therapies with the capacity to delay or inhibit
           OSA were treated with intratumoral Ad-FasL and subsequent limb   the development of pulmonary metastases would dramatically
           amputation 10 days post-Ad-FasL administration and carboplatin   improve current treatment outcomes. As such, novel anticancer
           chemotherapy. After amputation, histologic examination of the   agents have been designed to selectively inhibit obligate steps nec-
           primary tumor was performed to characterize degree of inflam-  essary for successful tumor cell invasion and metastasis. One spe-
           mation, apoptosis, necrosis, and lymphocyte infiltration. Dogs   cific strategy has been the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases
           with greater inflammation and lymphocyte infiltration scores had   (MMPs), which are proteolytic enzymes involved in local tissue
           improved median DFIs and MSTs. When inflammation induced   invasion and metastases. Based upon documented gelatinolytic
           by Ad-FasL was categorized into low (score 1) versus high (score   activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in canine cell lines and OSA
           2 or 3), the MSTs were 198 versus 359 days, respectively. Col-  samples, 91,93  it has been rationalized that specific inhibitors of
           lectively, these studies support the notion that creating a robust   MMP activity may have the potential to increase the metastasis-
           innate immune response within the immediate primary tumor   free period after amputation and systemic chemotherapy. A pro-
           microenvironment has the capacity to induce sufficient immuno-  spective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical
           genic abscopal effects to delay the onset of metastatic disease. 286  trial evaluating the adjuvant activity of a MMP-2 and -9 inhibitor
             In addition to innate immune activation strategies, a vaccine   (BAY 12-9566) was conducted in 223 dogs with nonmetastatic
           approach to specifically induce tumor-specific  T-cell responses   OSA. 180  After amputation and DOX therapy, dogs were random-
           against the dominant immune epitopes of HER2/neu expressed   ized and treated with either BAY 12-9566 (10 mg/kg) or placebo
           by canine OSA cells has been reported. Through the generation   control daily until clinical failure. The addition of BAY 12-9566
           and IV administration of a highly attenuated, recombinant Liste-  did not improve DFI or MST in comparison to placebo control.
           ria monocytogenes expressing a chimeric human HER2/neu  fusion   Correlating with the absence of biologic effect, serum MMP-2
           protein (ADXS31-164), the capacity to elicit a HER2-specific   and -9 activities were not different between dogs receiving BAY
           immune response was evaluated in 18 dogs with OSA treated with   12-9566 or placebo.
           three consecutive dosages of ADXS31-164 every 3 weeks after the   With the approval of toceranib phosphate (TOC) in veteri-
           completion of conventional therapy (amputation or LSS and four   nary medicine, this small molecule inhibitor of multiple kinase
           doses of carboplatin chemotherapy). In 15 dogs, HER2-specific   signaling pathways (KIT, VEGF receptor 2 [VEGFR2], platelet-
           responses could be serially assessed through the quantification of   derived growth factor receptor [PDGFR]) has generated scientific
           antigen-induced T-cell interferon-gamma (IFNγ) secretion, and   interest for its inclusion as an adjuvant treatment for dogs with
           this served as an immune biomarker to measure the immune reac-  appendicular  OSA.  In  a  randomized,  prospective  clinical  trial,
           tion elicited by vaccination with ADXS31-164. Although T-cell   126 dogs with OSA were treated with amputation and four doses
           IFNγ secretion profiles did not correlate with long-term survival   of carboplatin and, if there was no evidence of metastatic disease,
           outcomes, the magnitude of white blood cell, neutrophil, and   this was followed by either oral metronomic therapy (cyclophos-
           monocyte elevations 24 hours after ADXS31-164 administration   phamide and piroxicam) alone or oral metronomic therapy and
           were significantly greater in dogs with STs exceeding 18 months.   TOC. Although the inclusion of toceranib phosphate was toler-
           These collective findings  would suggest that innate immune   able, there was no statistical difference in the median DFI for dogs
           responses are contributing to the anticancer immune effects   treated with the control protocol (215 days) or TOC (233 days).
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