Page 569 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 25  Tumors of the Skeletal System  547

           changes were identified at necropsy in some patients, consisting of   of liposome DNA complexes were substantiated by the induction
           toxin-induced pneumonitis, multifocal interstitial fibrosis, alveo-  of fever, leukogram changes, monocyte activation, and increased
                                                                 natural killer cell activities. After completion of 12 consecutive
           lar histiocytosis, and type II pneumocyte proliferation. A partial  response was documented in two dogs treated with inhaled DOX   weekly IV treatments with liposome DNA complexes, measurable
                                                                 responses were achieved in three dogs with one complete response
           and a complete response in one dog treated with inhaled pacli-
           taxel. In the one dog with a complete response, the response was   and two partial responses.
           durable and persisted for more than 325 days.           Other investigations have evaluated alternative strategies for
             In addition to DOX and paclitaxel, aerosolized gemcitabine   activating the immune system, including IV administration of a
           has been evaluated in dogs with metastatic OSA. Gemcitabine,   genetically modified and attenuated bacterial species, Salmonella
           a pyrimidine antimetabolite belonging to the nucleoside analog   typhimurium (VNP20009). 306  Based on the premise that anaero-
           family, has anticancer activity when administered through an aero-  bic bacteria have potential as novel immunomodulatory cancer
           solized route in mouse OSA xenograft models; these are mediated   therapeutics, a phase I dose escalation study was conducted with
           though the upregulation of Fas receptor expression on the surface   VNP20009 in 41 dogs with spontaneous cancers. Dose-limiting
           of pulmonary metastatic OSA cells. 303  Because lung epithelium   toxicity included fever and vomiting; both were attributed to sys-
           basally expresses Fas ligand, the restoration of Fas receptor expres-  temic immune activation. Importantly, preferential tumor tissue
           sion by OSA cells would consequently render them susceptible to   tropism of VNP20009 was confirmed by gene transcription and
           Fas receptor/Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis. Based on this preclini-  bacterial culture techniques in a substantial proportion of tumor
           cal information, a comparative study with aerosolized gemcitabine   samples. In a subset of four dogs with OSA pulmonary metastasis,
           was conducted in 20 dogs with pulmonary OSA metastasis. 302    one dog had a partial response for a duration of 68 days. 
           Dogs were treated twice weekly with inhalation gemcitabine and
           monitored for toxicity and anticancer activity. Aerosolized gem-  Palliative Treatment: Primary and Metastatic
           citabine was well tolerated with no dose-limiting hematologic or   Bone Cancer Pain
           biochemical toxicity reported and minimal histologic lung pathol-
           ogy after inhalation therapy. Mechanistic anticancer activities of   Palliative Radiation Therapy
           aerosolized gemcitabine were supported by the identification of   RT is considered the most effective treatment modality for the
           increases in percent necrosis, Fas receptor expression, and TUNEL   management of osteolytic bone pain in human cancer patients
           positivity in macroscopic pulmonary OSA metastatic lesions;   and, likewise, has been investigated and extensively applied for
           however, clinically relevant responses were not documented.   alleviating bone cancer pain in dogs with primary bone tumors.
                                                                 Mechanistically, the analgesic effects of ionizing radiation can be
           Augmentation of Antitumor Immunity                    partially attributed to the induction of cell death in both malig-
           Cytokines are cellular peptides that actively aid or stimulate the   nant osteoblasts and resorbing osteoclasts, 307  and this has been
           immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Although   documented in dogs by an assessment of percentage TN. 205,239,308
           numerous cytokines participate in shaping the strength, specific-  As such, ionizing radiation may reduce overall tumor burden and
           ity, and longevity of antitumor immune responses, interleukin-2   attenuate the degree of osteoclast resorption. The rapid onset of
           (IL-2) is a critical cytokine necessary for stimulating the growth,   analgesia that occurs before a change in tumor volume suggests
           differentiation, and survival of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells.   other, as yet unknown, mechanisms are involved in the analgesic
           Additional  immune effects orchestrated  by IL-2 include  the   effects of RT. Other proposed mechanisms of radiation-induced
           facilitation of immunoglobulin production by B cells and the dif-  analgesia include depletion of local inflammatory cells and inhibi-
           ferentiation and proliferation of natural killer cells. Despite the   tion of osteoclast precursor recruitment. 309
           pleiotropic and desirable antitumor immune activities of IL-2, its   Multiple palliative RT protocols have been evaluated and
           systemic administration has been clinically limited due to severe   reported in the veterinary literature with the majority of dosing
           toxicities. As such, alternative delivery strategies have been inves-  schemes using two to four fractions of 6 to 10 Gy. Although vari-
           tigated to attenuate IL-2 associated toxicities yet maximize its   able and subjectively reported in these studies, the alleviation of
           potent immunomodulatory effects.                      bone cancer pain was achieved in 74% to 93% of dogs. Although
             For the treatment of pulmonary metastasis, the localized depo-  the majority of dogs symptomatically improved after palliative
           sition of IL-2 or the preferential gene expression of IL-2 within   RT, the median time interval of subjective pain alleviation was
           the lung parenchyma has been investigated as a novel treatment   not durable and ranged from 53 to 130 days. 234,310–314  Given that
           option in dogs with metastatic OSA. Initial studies evaluated the   most conventional palliative RT protocols only include two to
           antitumor activities of inhaled liposomal IL-2. 304  Dogs were nebu-  four fractions, the total cumulative radiation dose administered is
           lized with liposomal IL-2 daily for 30 days. The immunomodula-  relatively low (<32 Gy). As a result, acute and late radiation toxici-
           tory effects of IL-2 were confirmed by increases in bronchoalveolar   ties are not a limiting factor for the majority of patients treated.
           lavage effector cell numbers and lytic activities with resultant com-  Although megavoltage palliative RT appears effective when used
           plete regression of macroscopic pulmonary OSA metastasis in two   as a single-agent treatment option for short-term pain manage-
           of four dogs. The duration of this response was between 12 and   ment, some investigations suggest that the concurrent administra-
           20 months. IV gene therapy as liposome-DNA complexes encod-  tion of IV systemic chemotherapy along with palliative RT may
           ing IL-2 has also been investigated as an alternative to inhaled   enhance analgesic response rates, durations of responses, and over-
           liposomal IL-2 delivery strategies. 305  Based on its preferential   all STs. 313,315  
           accumulation and subsequent transgene expression within the
           lung parenchyma, the tolerability, immunomodulatory effects,   Radiopharmaceuticals
           and antitumor activity of IV liposome DNA complexes encoding   153 Sm is a radioisotope that undergoes gamma (103 keV) and
           IL-2 were evaluated in 20 dogs with chemotherapy-resistant OSA   beta decay (max 810 keV), allowing for concurrent biodistribu-
           metastasis. After administration, the immunomodulatory effects   tion tracking studies as well as therapeutic ionizing radiation
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