Page 127 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   113

                                                                     •  If you want to stimulate healing of a fracture or an
                                                                        osteotomy, treat that area as just the wound that
                                                                        lies over it and focus most of the energy around it.
                                                                        For instance, if a TTA plate has been placed on the
                                                                        medial surface of the proximal tibia, treat the surgi-
                                                                        cal wound over it as a regular acute wound and treat
                                                                        more intensely proximal and distal to it, as well as
                                                                        on the cranial, lateral, and caudal side of the tibia.
                                                                        Once the wound has healed you may treat the whole
                                                                        area with similar higher parameters, but not focus-
                                                                        ing over the implant, rather around it for a better
                                                                        penetration into the fracture/osteotomy line.
                                                                     •  If and when osteomyelitis develops, LT may help
                                                                        decrease bacterial counts as described in an experi-
                                                                        mental model. [188]  You will improve the metabolism
                                                                        of the area, and almost certainly see an improve-
                                                                        ment, but if you are dealing with osteomyelitis
                                                                        between the bone and the plate, your chances of
                                                                        success are limited and a full resolution is unlikely
                                                                        unless other therapies are combined with LT.

                                                                          9.3 Tendon and ligament injuries

                                                                     Fibroblast replication and collagen production provide
                                                                     the base for tendon and ligament repair. LT helps to
                                                                     produce proportionally more type I collagen, which
                                                                     has a better spatial arrangement, and leads to greater
                                                                     final tensile strength of tendons and ligaments, as has
                                                                     been consistently demonstrated in several experimen-
                   Figure 9.3 Surgical site infection and wound dehiscence over   tal models. [138, 140, 143, 292, 293]  And blood flow, one of the
                   a metallic implant. Laser is indicated (see Case nos. 20–22 in   major benefits of LT, is also a critical factor in the repair
                   this chapter).                                    of these already poorly vascularized structures – if you
                                                                     are an orthopedic surgeon, this is one of your usual
                   proliferate, differentiate, get more attached to the tita-  concerns.
                   nium implant, and produce more TGF-β. [235]  In animal   There have been some animal models studying LT in
                   models of normal and osteopenic bone, LT can acceler-  inflammation after tendon and ligament injuries. The
                   ate implant integration and new bone formation. [163]  It   mechanism is similar to other tissues: there is a reduc-
                   enhances osteogenic mediators such as bone morpho-  tion in the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators,
                   genic protein, and even one session has been proven to   such as COX-2, in both acute and chronic inflamma-
                   increase the bone–implant interface strength. [291]  The   tory phases. [294]  Models also show the effect of LT in the
                   sooner an implant is integrated and vascularized, the   surrounding tissues: in rats, 15 sessions of laser therapy
                   less likely it is to be colonized by bacteria. So using LT   at 10 J/cm  were able to prevent some of the morpho-
                   to treat patients with osteosynthesis implants is not just   logical degenerative changes and proteoglycan loss that
                   possible, it is advisable, and could help prevent osteo-  occurred after cruciate ligament transection, although
                   myelitis (you can read more about LT in infected tissue   in  this  particular  model  IL-1  did  not  decrease. [295]
                   in section 5.6).                                  Another placebo-controlled experimental study, using
                     If there is a metallic plate placed on the bone, laser   a model in rabbits that developed progressive osteoar-
                   will not penetrate the plate to reach the bone, which   thritis (OA) after cranial cruciate ligament transection,
                   has two immediate implications.                   described how LT could decrease knee pain, synovial

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