Page 131 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   117

                   degeneration, osteoarthritis is a progressive inflam-  how LT can decrease the expression of certain medi-
                   matory and degenerative disease that involves several   ators, such as IL-1 and TNF. Among the enzymes, the

                   structures and tissues. The articular cartilage degener-  most important are matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),
                   ates and is progressively lost, the bones undergo hyper-  which are released by chondrocytes, synoviocytes,

                   trophic changes, there is inflammation and fibrosis of   and inflammatory cells, contributing to cartilage deg-

                   the synovial membrane and periarticular structures,   radation. Although some MMPs have physiological

                   as well as qualitative and quantitative changes in syno-  functions, others increase during inflammation (and

                   vial fluid. Nearby ligament attachments are eventually   cancer), serve as biomarkers, and are related to the
                   affected too, and the patient suffers pain and loss of   severity of cartilage damage.

                   functionality. About 20% of dogs that are older than 1   Different etiologies may present different profiles

                   year suffer from OA and this percentage increases to   of mediators – they all have inflammatory soups but

                   80% if we consider dogs over 8 years. [311, 312]  It is the   the amounts of the ingredients may vary. For instance,
                   most common source of pain and loss of mobility in   MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 are clearly increased in
                   older dogs. The impact on our feline patients is often   dogs with OA, [320–322]  although some MMP-2 activity

                   underestimated; although there is no direct correlation   can  be detected at lower  levels  in healthy  joints. [323]
                   between radiographic signs and pain, a study in 100 cli-  Canine immune-mediated arthritis displays an even
                   ent-owned cats over 6 years of age found radiographic   higher increase in IL-1 and TNF than OA, [324]  which
                   evidence of appendicular OA in more than 60% of   correlates with the amount of MMP-3, also elevated
                   them. [313]  Another report increased this number to over   in the synovial fluid of dogs with rheumatoid arthri-

                   90%, [314]  with an increase of 13.6% in expected total DJD   tis when compared to OA patients. [325]  Unfortunately,
                   score for each 1-year increase in the age of the cat. OA   these biomarkers are not yet used in practice due to
                   also has a huge financial impact; it is the most common   the lack of molecular diagnostic tests. Hopefully in the

                   reason to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory   future these will be available to improve diagnosis and
                   drugs (NSAIDs), which represents a market of over 400   monitoring of the disease. [326]

                   million USD per year, [315, 316]  with millions of pets being   The reason I’m kind of torturing you with the molec-
                   treated every year. [317]                         ular basis of articular inflammation is because LT has

                     A lot has been written about OA treatment, and it is   consistently been reported to act at this level. Acute
                   very clear that its management has to be multimodal.   joint inflammation decreases with LT due to the reduc-

                   There is no such thing as a cure: the focus is on con-  tion in the pro-inflammatory mediators IL-1, COX-2,
                   trolling the painful and limiting consequences and   TNF, and IL-6. [37, 41, 78, 296, 327–329]  LT can also reduce the

                   trying to slow down cartilage degradation, using phar-  inflammatory infiltrate; in osteoarthritis  models, for

                   macological analgesia, physical modalities, and nutra-  instance, it decreases polymorphonuclear cells in the

                   ceuticals. And we can’t forget weight control, a MUST   synovial fluid and capsule. [41, 73]  The resolution of the

                   with or without laser: diet restriction clearly delays the   inflammation is further enhanced with the production
                   onset and decreases the severity of OA. [318]  Weight   of substances such as TGF-β, both in healthy and exper-
                   reduction by itself can reduce clinical signs of lameness   imentally-induced diabetic models. [330]  Besides, LT can
                   in dogs with osteoarthritis. [319]                decrease the above-mentioned MMP levels to inhibit

                     Other forms of arthritis we may find in small animal   cartilage degradation – specifically MMP-2, MMP-3,
                   practice include septic and traumatic etiologies, rheu-  MMP-9, and MMP-13. [8, 78, 295, 296, 331, 332]
                   matoid arthritis, or those related to systemic infections   More recently, the role of nerve growth factor (NGF)

                   that lead to arthritic pain, including  Leishmania and   in joint inflammation and cartilage degradation and its
                   Rickettsia, among others. But all forms of arthritis share   use as a therapeutic target has been described with very
                   the fact that the levels of pro-inflammatory mediators   promising results. [333, 334]  The effect of LT on this par-

                   are increased and this changes the metabolism of chon-  ticular mechanism should be investigated, since some
                   drocytes and other cells.                         studies suggest LT could promote NGF release, [89]

                     Three groups of canine synovial fluid biomarkers   which would theoretically enhance inflammation. But

                   have been investigated: pro-inflammatory mediators,   after reading Chapter 3, you know that the course of
                   enzymes and their inhibitors, and extracellular cartilage   inflammation definitely does not depend on just one

                   degeneration products. We have previously discussed   ingredient.
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