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120                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                        system takes into account dog comfort, motion and   carprofen; although there was improvement noted
                        posture, clinical findings in the orthopedic exam,   using the two assessment methods, there was no
                        and radiographic changes, among others, to stage   direct correlation between them, [342]  and the reason
                        the disease and make therapeutic decisions.        according to the authors could be that as an owner,
                     •  Another tool to assess the outcome of therapeutic   the most valued progression is the ability to move
                        measures in clinical trials in orthopedic patients is   and walk, rather than single limb use. However,
                        the Canine Orthopedic Index (COI). It is designed   another study found a correlation between LOAD
                        to be used by owners, evaluating stiffness, gait, func-  and CBPI scores and also between these scores and
                        tion, and quality of life. [346–348]               force plate kinetics. [354]
                     •  Electromyography: this is not as readily available   •  Hudson Visual Analogue Scale (VAS): developed
                        to all clinicians, though.                         at Texas A&M University and used to assess mild-
                     •  Assessment of  quality of life  is probably  the   to-moderate lameness in dogs; includes questions
                        most comprehensive way to evaluate clinical pro-   about behavior and mobility, and the owner’s
                        gression. Having a scientifically validated way to   assessment. The answer to each is marked on a
                        measure this is an extremely valuable tool for prac-  10 cm line. Results of this scale correlate with
                        titioners. There are several disease-specific  tools,   force plate kinetics. [343]  Check it out in Appendix
                        but only one validated generic scale that measures   A4.
                        the impact of chronic pain on quality of life, which   •  Helsinki Chronic Pain Index (HCPI):  uses  an
                        was published in 2013 by Reid et al. [349]  It includes   11-item questionnaire, originally in Finnish, includ-
                        scores in four domains: vitality, pain, distress,   ing ratings about general mood, willingness to play
                        and anxiety. The original scale had 46 items, but   and exercise at different paces, complaining vocali-
                        recently a shorter form, comprising 22 items, was   zations, ease of lying down/rising up and ability to
                        validated and published [350]  and is now available   perform daily movements. [355, 356]
                        for use by practitioners and owners online (www.  •  Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs (LOAD) [354] :
               There is also a 20-item question-  includes questions about the patient’s background,
                        naire for cats.                                    lifestyle, and mobility.
                     •  To keep track of how much an animal is moving,   •  Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (FMPI): devel-
                        body-mounted, accelerometer-based activity mon-    oped  by  Benito  et  al.  in  2013  at  the  Comparative
                        itors are gaining popularity, easily available in prac-  Pain Research Laboratory of the North Carolina
                        tice, and the results can also be monitored by the   State University, [357,  358]  uses a 17-item question-
                        owner. They are currently being included in clinical   naire (was initially 21), and rates each item from 0
                        trials, and represent a valuable tool to objectively   (impossible to perform) to 4 (normal). Questions
                        monitor feline activity changes associated with pain   are about mobility, daily activities, and willingness
                        and its relief. [334, 351]                         to play and interact. So total scores can range from
                                                                           0 (impossible to perform any of the activities) to 68
                           9.6.1 Musculoskeletal pain assessment           (all normal). A change of about 10% has been pro-
                                                                           posed as the relevant threshold. This scale has been
                     Several scales have been developed for chronic and    further validated in several studies and is easy to
                     musculoskeletal pain assessment.                      perform. [334, 359, 360]  You have the full questionnaire
                                                                           in Appendix A5 and you can also download it from
                     •  Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) (available at
                ces/comparative-pain-research/labs-com parati ve-
                        trials/our-services/pennchart):  uses a numerical   pain-research-clinical-metrology-instrume nts -fe
                        rating scale in an 11-item questionnaire to describe   line-musculoskeletal-pain-index/.
                        the pain over the last few days, and how much that
                        pain affects the ability to perform different activi-  The placebo effect has to be considered for any pain
                        ties [352, 353]  (see Appendix A3). A clinical study com-  treatment. It can actually be present to some extent
                        pared the owner’s assessment using the CBPI and   when you interview the owner about the animal’s pro-
                        changes in force plate kinetics in dogs treated with   gression. This has been noted in clinical trials evaluating

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