Page 139 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   125

                                                                     Figure 9.11 Treating the shoulder and cranial scapula.

                                                                     Include the distal humerus and proximal antebrachium
                                                                     if necessary (Fig. 9.12). Check for trigger points in the
                                                                     extensor carpi radialis and the common digital exten-
                                                                     sor muscles. Make sure you treat the medial side prop-
                                                                     erly; many conditions affect the medial compartment
                                                                     to a greater extent.

                   Figure 9.10 Treatment of the temporomandibular joint.                 Carpus
                                                                     Treat  from the styloid process dorsally to the acces-
                                                                     sory carpal pad ventrally. A flexion–extension motion
                   to properly treat, since they will be in your way; pro-  can be applied, exposing a bit more the interosseous
                   tect the eyes with your other hand (Fig. 9.10). Consider   spaces.
                   including the masseter, temporal, and zygomatic mus-
                   cles; you can follow the direction of the fibers: cranio-
                   caudal, dorsoventral, and oblique, respectively.

                   Include a margin around the greater tubercle of the
                   humerus, and consider including the whole scapula in
                   your treatment area if there is tension or tenderness
                   around it. Follow the inter-tubercular groove up to the
                   cranial border of the scapula (Fig. 9.11). It is often ben-
                   eficial to include the deltoid muscle (both scapular and
                   acromial parts, as well as the supraspinatus). Check for
                   trigger points in the infraspinatus and triceps muscle,
                   caudal and distal to the deltoid. Palpate their tendons
                   for any abnormalities and, if present, treat the whole   Figure 9.12 Treatment of the elbow, including the distal third
                   length of the tendon carefully.                   of the humerus and proximal antebrachium.

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