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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   129

                   Table 9.6 Recommended parameters for IVDD.
                              Area               Dose (J/cm )        Power (W)           Power density (W/cm )
                          Spinal post-op             4–8                2–4                     0.1–0.8
                             Acute                  6–10                4–8                     0.5–1.5
                             Chronic                8–20                8–15                     1–3

                   deliver that dose and over what area. The power density   of mesenchymal stem cells acted synergistically with
                   that is used depends on the particular patient and con-  LT  to  enhance  functional  recovery. [372]   One  study
                   dition: in the immediate postoperative period of spinal   reported a better effect on recovery when treat-
                   surgery, hypersensitivity and allodynia can be present;   ment  was  delayed  7  days  from  the  injury  than  if  it
                   some patients show discomfort even with the regular   was started immediately after the injury, both func-
                   wound parameters being applied at a distance. In such   tionally and in the morphology of myelinated fibers.
                   cases you will have to decrease power density to 0.1–0.8   [373]  Different wavelengths have been used to achieve
                   W/cm  (compared to the 1–3 W/cm  you would use in   results, including 660 nm, 808 nm, and 905 nm, and
                   a chronic condition) by defocusing at a longer distance,   one study found the combination of continuous (808
                   or by decreasing the wattage, move the hand faster, etc.   nm) and pulsed (905 nm) irradiation achieved the best
                   This is the reason why you see such broad ranges in   outcome. [166][167]
                   Table 9.6; again, this is just a framework, and for low-  Some clinical studies in humans affected with bra-
                   er-sized or very sensitive patients you will need to start   chial plexus injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and
                   on the (lower) conservative side.                 other peripheral neuropathies report an improvement
                     For  acute  cases,  give  a  daily  treatment  for  3  days,   in nerve conductivity and functional recovery with
                   then try to maintain a q48h schedule until there is   LT. [374–376]  It has been suggested that both the periph-
                   some improvement. Chronic cases can start on a    eral nerve area and the corresponding spinal segment
                   schedule of three times a week, until an improvement   are treated. [377]
                   is noticed. In both cases, this should be noted in less   Not all nerves are equally superficial, so the doses
                   than 2 weeks; otherwise reconsider the diagnosis and/  and power to be used may vary; if you are dealing with
                   or treatment plan. But don’t wait that long to increase   a facial nerve, it will be much easier to reach than a bra-
                   your stimulation if there is no obvious change; if after   chial plexus. Consider 4–12 J/cm  and 1–8 W, but keep
                   a couple of visits  there is no improvement  and the   your power density around 1–2 W/cm . In a rabbit
                   patient tolerates it, increase dose and/or power by   model of sciatic nerve injury, different powers and
                   about 20–30%.                                     power densities were tested, and penetration through
                                                                     the skin and biceps femoris muscle was measured. They
                            9.8.2 Treating peripheral nerves         found a dose of 8 J/cm  at the skin surface improved
                                                                     nerve  recovery,  with  better  functional  outcomes  2
                   Peripheral nerve injuries can occur as a result of   months after the injury. Comparing a superficial very
                   trauma, sustained compression, or inflammation.   high power density (7 W/cm , ouch!) with a moder-
                   Together with brachial plexus injuries, the most com-  ate one (1.8 W/cm ), the very high values inhibited
                   monly affected nerves are the facial, sciatic, and radial.   nerve regeneration, while the lower value, 1.8 W/cm ,
                   Neurapraxia commonly resolves after a few weeks, but   improved it. [378]  So for a facial nerve, you would be using
                   we can try to speed up this recovery with LT. An   around 0.5–1 W/cm  (which is a 2.5–5 W output if your
                   experimental model of sciatic lesion after crushing   hand-piece gives you a spot size of 5 cm ), but about
                   injury, in which rats were treated on a daily basis for   two to three times this power density for a radial or a
                   3 weeks, showed significantly better recovery in the   sciatic nerve, since they are covered with more tissue
                   laser  group than in the  control group;  this was  first   – and as always, a good knowledge of the anatomy and
                   noted 2 weeks after the beginning of treatment. [371]  In   nerve pathways is important.
                   a similar sciatic crushing injury model, transplantation

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