Page 138 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 138

124                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                        Consider shaving the area to improve penetration,   9.7.2 Some anatomical considerations: tips for
                        especially for breeds or areas with thicker hair coats.          different areas
                        It might not be possible to shave six body areas, but
                        do shave or at least trim the hair if you want to focus   The following descriptions of how to treat joints include
                        on the elbow of a Chow Chow, the hip of a German   the tissues conforming and surrounding them, since
                        Shepherd, or the sacrum of a Husky. The owner may   painful/inflammatory conditions do not affect just the
                        be a bit reluctant, but it does make a big difference   articular surfaces and bones. The whole circumference
                        in terms of light penetration.                  of the appendicular joints should be treated, although
                     •  To avoid increasing temperature at the surface, use   this is more difficult and not always performed in the
                        pulsed light, at least in part of the treatment (see   shoulder and hip. In the metacarpal/metatarsal areas
                        box on the right); the dark phases between pulses   and digits, the dorsal and palmar/plantar surfaces
                        allow tissue cooling. Remember, though, that suf-  should be treated.
                        ficient average power has to be maintained.       When treating the patient in recumbency, it is often
                     •  Is the frequency of treatment enough? Some      convenient to treat one side of a joint in lateral recum-
                        chronic problems may respond well to a 3–2–1    bency and then let the patient roll onto the other side to
                        regime, but others need to be treated every 48 h,   treat the medial aspect; this way we can avoid treating
                        or three times a week, until a change is observed.   with the beam toward us. So if you are going to treat
                        If after 8–10 treatments there is no significant   both elbows, for instance, treat the lateral half of one
                        improvement, other factors should be considered,   and the medial side of the other, then roll the patient
                        or other therapeutic modalities chosen or combined   over to its other side and treat the other two halves.
                        with LT. Do not suddenly space treatments out too   Your total energy calculations for each of the articu-
                        much, as the cumulative  effect of the induction   lar halves will be easier, based on just two dimensions.
                        phase may be lost.                              Otherwise, calculating the treatment area for the limbs,
                     •  Has the patient  changed its physical activity?   when treated circumferentially, can be a bit more chal-
                        Exercise should be controlled as prescribed; some   lenging at the beginning. Having a measuring tape in
                        animals may feel better and over-exercise. Discuss   your “laser kit” is really helpful.
                        this with the owner.
                     •  Has there been any change in medication (if there   If your laser employs multi-phase treatments, be sure
                        is any)? Unless there is a clinical contraindication,   not to divide the treatment into two halves in such a
                        medication should be continued until an improve-            way that you have different parameters
                        ment is noted. Chronic cases may take longer to             (usually frequencies) in each half.
                        respond, and a sudden pharmacological withdrawal            Instead, divide the total treatment time
                        before LT has had an effect may give rise to a pain         per protocol in half, then repeat the
                        crisis.                                          entire (shortened) protocol on each half of your
                     •  When dealing with very old or debilitated patients   anatomy. This way you get the benefits of all the
                        that need to have many large areas treated (such as   frequencies on the entire anatomy.
                        all the back, hips, shoulders, etc.), try not to treat
                        all  of  them  the  first  day  or  at  least  moderate  the
                        dose; the vasodilation, endorphins, and other effects   If the patient tolerates it, move the joint you are
                        might be a bit too much and the patient may feel   treating through its passive ROM while you treat, at
                        weak for a couple of days. Increase your local and   least  during  the  second  part  of  the  treatment  –  they
                        total dose progressively, according to the patient’s   will relax and accept it more easily than at the very
                        response and tolerance. I usually treat no more   beginning. This will expose a bit more of the articular
                        than 4–5 areas the first day: for example, the thora-  surfaces you want to include.
                        columbar spine, lumbosacral spine, both hips, and a
                        hock.                                                       Temporomandibular joint
                                                                        Treat this from different directions, but always aiming
                                                                        the beam away from the ocular globe when working
                                                                        from cranial to caudal. You may need to remove doggles

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