Page 142 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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128                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     Table 9.4 Modified Frankel Score (MFS).               newly formed elastic fibers in their intervertebral
                                                                           disks. [369]   A  clinical  trial  in  people  with  chronic
                       Grade   Neurological deficit
                         0     Tetra/paraplegia with no deep nociception   lower back pain found LT to be more effective as an
                                                                           analgesic treatment than magnetic field therapy.
                               Tetra/paraplegia with deep nociception but no
                         1                                                 In practice, this combination of LT and magnetic
                               superficial nociception                     field therapy is quite common and seems to have an
                         2     Tetra/paraplegia with entire nociception    additive effect.
                         3     Non-ambulatory tetra/paraparesis
                         4     Ambulatory tetra/paraparesis and/or ataxia  Consider shaving or trimming the hair to improve
                         5     Spinal hyperesthesia only (no dysfunction)  penetration, especially with very thick dark coats.
                                                                        At least 2–3 vertebral spaces should be treated both
                                                                        cranial and caudal to the affected one. Very often, larger
                        times faster!) shortening of the recovery time after   areas of the back will benefit from being included in the
                        hemilaminectomy in dogs who received LT after the   treatment area, since it is not uncommon to find other
                        surgical procedure [368] : 3.5 vs. 14 days until return to   reactive or tender segments. Treating the paravertebral
                        ambulation, in dogs with a similar baseline assess-  muscles in a longitudinal direction feels more comfort-
                        ment, and independently of age, weight, and dura-  able to the patient, but you can also spend an extra 1–2
                        tion of clinical signs at presentation.         seconds in the intervertebral spaces (unless you feel the
                     •  When surgery is not the best option, as in many   fur/skin gets a bit too warm), aiming the beam perpen-
                        mild chronic IVDD cases, or is not even an option   dicularly to the muscle or in a slightly lateral-to-medial
                        for some reason, LT can be a great tool to add to the   direction.
                        multimodal conservative management. And maybe     Use 5–20 J/cm . The values that reach the spinal cord
                        not just because of the anti-inflammatory and anal-  and roots will be much lower, and will more likely have
                        gesic effects; in a retrospective double-blind clinical   an anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect. In a study
                        study in people who underwent diskectomy, those   with 200–300 g rats, only 6% of 810 nm light reached
                        patients who received LT in the weeks before the   the spinal cord, located at 10 mm depth, using 0.53 W/
                                                                          2 [171]
                        procedure had more mucopolysaccharides and      cm .   Again an important factor here is how fast we

                     Table 9.5 Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score (TSCIS) for dogs.

                       0   No voluntary movement seen when supported
                       1   Intact limb protraction with no ground clearance
                       2   Intact limb protraction with inconsistent ground clearance
                       3   Intact limb protraction with consistent ground clearance (>75%)
                       4   Ambulatory, consistent ground clearance with moderate paresis–ataxia (will fall occasionally)
                       5   Ambulatory, consistent ground clearance with mild paresis–ataxia (does not fall, even on slick surfaces)
                       6   Normal gait
                                                              Propioceptive positioning
                       0   Absent response
                       1   Delayed response
                       2   Normal response
                       0   No deep nociception
                       1   Intact deep nociception, no superficial nociception
                       2   Nociception present

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