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114                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     inflammation, and inflammatory mediators related to   recommended to also treat other structures that might
                     the inflammatory and catabolic process of OA, such   be secondarily affected, such as contracted muscles or
                     as IL-1 and metalloproteinases. [296]  The treated group   stiff joints. Rest and proper immobilization or support
                     received a low dose (1.5 J/cm  of 830 nm light) three   remain important measures for tendon and ligament
                     times a week; effects were seen after 6 weeks of therapy.  injuries; don’t let the patient put too much strain or
                        The pain associated with ligament and tendon inju-  tension on the tendon/ligament despite the initial clini-
                     ries can also be alleviated with LT. A placebo-con-  cal improvement it may show in terms of pain.
                     trolled, double-blinded clinical study in human patients
                     with lateral epicondylitis reported significant improve-  9.4 Muscle and laser therapy
                     ment in pain and functionality scores. They used 6–7
                     J/cm , treating at 10 W and with around 0.5–1 W/cm    Muscular conditions and injuries can also be treated
                     of  power  density. [111]   Using  lower  doses  and  power,   with LT. The proangiogenic  effect of LT enhances
                     another randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial   muscle repair; the biochemical activity of muscle cells
                     found an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of LT   increases and more myofibers differentiate. As in other
                     in Achilles tendinitis, also describing a fast decrease in   tissues, inflammation and regeneration/proliferation
                     peritendinous prostaglandin E (PGE ) concentrations.  are related in muscle repair: prolonged inflammation
                     [297]                                              interferes with healing and recovery, and can lead to
                        The above are just examples of experimental and   muscle fibrosis. Functional muscle contractures are also
                     clinical studies about the benefits of LT in tendon and   rewarding to treat, since the patient tends to  experience
                     ligament injuries. One of the reasons these transection   a relatively fast relief (Fig. 9.4).
                     models cannot be directly extrapolated to the dog is that   Animal models show LT can help prevent muscle
                     in our canine patients, although sudden and complete   fibrosis and atrophy and suggest its use should be inves-
                     cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) can occur, it   tigated in patients with disuse atrophy, atrophy due to
                     is usually a chronic condition that starts with a partial   peripheral nerve injury, and even as part of the treat-
                     tear that progresses after an initial period of apparent   ment of Duchenne dystrophy. [148,  149,  299]  Genetically
                     stabilization and improvement. Breed conformation is   manipulated mice that undergo a similar process of
                     also involved.                                     muscular dystrophy show less muscle damage and less
                        Another clinical study is relevant here: although   muscle inflammation  when treated  with LT. [299]  An
                     it did not have the aim of investigating the effect of   experimental model of induced myositis showed LT (3
                     LT, the study described excellent results in dogs with   J/cm ) reduced the number of inflammatory cells and
                     partial CCLR using bone marrow aspirate concentrate   amount of edema [300] ; a similar dose was used to prove
                     or adipose-derived progenitor cells in combination   increased regeneration and decreased inflammation
                     with platelet-rich plasma therapy. These patients had   after muscle contusion in rats. [301]
                     at least 50% of the craniomedial band of the ligament   Alves et al. concluded in 2014 after a systematic
                     intact, as diagnosed by arthroscopy, and together with   review of the literature that LT should be considered
                     the stem cell treatment, they underwent a rehabilita-  “an excellent therapeutic resource for the treatment of
                     tion program in which LT was included, and wore a   skeletal muscle injuries in the short term” ; but more
                     customized stifle orthotic. Not only did pain ratings   clinical studies on LT and muscular conditions should
                     improve, but in more than half of the cases that were   be  performed,  ideally  comparing  different  treatment
                     re-examined arthroscopically, the cranial cruciate liga-  protocols.  There are, however, some trials  in sports
                     ment had fully regenerated. [298]                  medicine reporting that LT inhibits the post-exercise
                        To treat tendon and ligament injuries, 4–10 J/cm    increase in creatinine kinase levels and accelerates
                     are used, staying at the lower end of the range for   post-exercise  lactate  removal, [302]   which would  mean
                     relatively superficial structures such as the calcaneal   a  faster  post-exercise  recovery.  On  the  other  hand,
                     tendon; 3–10 W can be used, but for superficial and/  others found no effect on the recovery of strength per-
                     or very inflamed and tender areas keep the power   formance despite the attenuation in creatinine kinase
                     density within 0.5–1 W/cm . Initially, treatment   activity. [303]
                     should be performed at least three times a week (see   Treating large muscle groups can take some time,
                     section 9.1, “General treatment considerations”). It is   and should be well planned to include all the area of

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