Page 245 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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                   AA see arachidonic acid                           anti-inflammatory cytokines 18
                   abdominal organs 77–80                            anti-inflammatory effect 14
                     laparotomy 79–80                                  on different cells, tissues, conditions 19–21
                     transabdominal treatments 78, 210                 mediators 15–18
                      liver 78                                       antibiotics 171
                       pancreatic tissue 78                          arachidonic acid (AA) derivatives 16
                       urinary tract 78–9                            area measurement tool 212
                   absorption 4–5                                    arthritis 116–18
                     cytochrome c oxidase 6                            acute 117–18
                     effects 6–8                                     ATP see adenosine triphosphate
                     hemoglobin 6                                    aural hematomas 73
                     light attenuation 43–4, 47
                     melanin 6                                       bandages see dressings and bandages
                     water 5–6                                       bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ)
                   acupuncture 172                                         34
                     acupoint selection 175                          blood
                     effects 173–4                                     arterial pressure 11
                     laser 172–3                                       circulation 10
                     parameters and technique                          heat 10–11
                   acute conditions                                    oxygenation 12–13
                     musculoskeletal 110, 129                          summary 13
                     soft tissue 57                                    tissue oncotic pressure 11
                   acute phase proteins 15–16                          vasodilation 11–12
                   adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 6, 8, 13, 35, 52, 115–16    venal pressure 11
                   airway 80                                         bones
                     brachycephalic 80–1                               fractures 109–10
                     intrathoracic conditions 81                         deficient realignment or fixation 111
                     rhinitis and sinusitis 80                           excessive gaps 111
                   airway smooth muscle 19                               laser therapy in growing animals 111–12
                   alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 34                         laser therapy and metallic implants 112–13
                   ALP see alkaline phosphatase                          nonviable bone at fracture area 111
                   analgesia                                            osteomyelitis 111
                     and acute pain 24                                 grafting 110
                     benefits of laser therapy 23–4                    healing 34
                       decreases pro-inflammatory mediators locally/centrally     stem cell use 181
                        23                                           BRONJ see bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the
                       hyperalgesia and nerve functionality 24             jaws
                       neural mechanisms 23                          burns 64
                       promoting inhibitory mechanisms 24
                     clinical studies 26–8                           cancer
                   analgesics 171–2                                    head and neck 162
                   anisotropy 45, 46                                   proliferation of cells 161

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