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234                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     laser therapy implementation (cont.)                 assessing clinical progression 118–20
                       strategies (cont.)                                  goniometry 121–2
                         making use of waiting rooms 170–1                  pain assessment 120–1
                         patients with chronic pain conditions 170        fractures and osteotomies 110–11
                         reduced price package for post-ops 170             growing animals 111–12
                     leukotrienes (LTX) 16                                  metallic implants 112–13
                     lick granuloma 67–8                                  general treatment considerations
                       treatment parameters 209                            dose 107–8
                     ligament                                              frequency 109–10
                       healing 32–3                                         how often 110
                       injuries 113–14                                     power 108–9
                       stem cell use 32–3                                   treating in contact 106–7
                     light                                                improving results
                       absorption 4–5, 6–8                                  anatomical considerations/tips for different areas
                       bio-targets 5–6                                       124–7
                       energy of 4                                          asking right questions 122–4
                       summary 9                                          laser benefits
                       targets within the cell 8–9                          enhanced healing 106
                       therapeutic effect 9                                 improvement of functionality 106
                       wavelength and frequency 3–4                         modulation of inflammatory response 106
                     light transport 43                                     pain reduction 106
                       attenuation via absorption 43–4, 47                muscle 114–15
                       dosage 48                                            trigger points 115–16
                        interpreting in vitro vs in vivo 48–9             tendon and ligament injuries 113–14
                       how much/which direction 44–8                      treatment parameters 211
                       power 49                                         myocardial infarction 181
                         average vs peak 49–51
                         density and patient comfort 53–4               neoplastic growths 161–2
                         pulse frequency 50–1                           nephrology 20–1
                         vs penetration 50                              nerve healing and function 34–5
                       scatter as primary interaction 44, 45–6, 47      neurodegenerative disease experimental models 130
                       summary 54                                       neurological injury 181
                       treatment time and reciprocity 51–3              neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) 180
                     lipid mediators 16                                 nitric oxide (NO) 7, 9, 11–12, 18–19
                     lipoxygenase (LOX) 16                              nitric oxide synthase (NOS) 18–19
                     liver 78                                           NMES see neuromuscular electrical stimulation
                     Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs (LOAD) 120        NOHZ see Nominal Ocular hazard Zone
                     LOAD see Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs          Nominal Ocular hazard Zone (NOHZ) 164
                     LOX see lipoxygenase                               non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 14, 16,
                     LTX see leukotrienes                                    117, 157, 162–3, 171
                     lung damage 79                                     NOS see nitric oxide synthase
                     lymphedema 162                                     NRS see numerical rating scales
                                                                        NSAIDs see non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
                     mast cells 15                                      numerical rating scales (NRS) 25–6
                     metallic implants 112–13                           nutritional deficits 67
                     MFS see Modified Frankel Score
                     microglia 19–20                                    OA see osteoarthritis
                     Modified Frankel Score (MFS) 127                   oral treatments 210
                     mucocutaneous conditions 209                       orthopedic procedures 165
                     mucosal inflammation 19                            osteoarthritis (OA) 21, 113–14, 116–18, 181
                       chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced mucositis 162  osteomyelitis 111
                     muscles                                            otitis 71–3, 84
                       cardiac 33–4                                       treatment parameters 210
                       conditions 114–15                                otohematoma 210
                         trigger points 115–16                          oxygen 8, 13
                       healing 33–4                                     oxygenation 12–13
                       injury 21
                       skeletal 33                                      PAF see platelet activating factor
                       smooth 34                                        pain 22–3
                     musculoskeletal conditions 106                       acute 22, 24, 26, 27
                       arthritis 116–18                                   arthritic 117

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