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Index                                          235

                     assessment 24–6                                 pulmonary inflammation 19
                      scales 187–99                                    see also lung damage
                     chronic 22–3, 26, 27, 166                       pulsed magnetic field therapy (PMF) 180
                     effectiveness of laser therapy 27–8
                     musculoskeletal assessment 120–1                radioulnar pronation/supination 202–3
                     neuropathic 23, 27                              range of motion (ROM) 119, 121–2, 123, 208
                     nociceptive 23                                  reactive oxygen species (ROS) 18, 35
                     recommended parameters for management of        regulations 164–5
                        25                                           rhinitis 80
                     reduction 106                                   ROM see range of motion
                     summary 28                                      ROS see reactive oxygen species
                     treatment parameters 209
                   palliative care 162                               sacculitis 73–5
                   pancreatic tissue 78                              serotonin 15
                   paraneoplastic syndromes 67                       shapeshifting 7
                   patients                                            examples 7–8
                     burning 109                                     shoulder 125
                     chronic pain conditions 170                       abduction/adduction 201
                     comfort of 53–4                                   flexion/extension 200–1
                     enjoyable laser sessions 168–9                    internal/external rotation 201–2
                     waiting room 170                                sinusitis 80
                   PBM see PhotoBioModulation                        SIRS see systemic inflammatory response syndrome
                   perianal fistulas 73–5                            soft tissue 56
                   perineal treatments 210                             abdominal organs 77–8
                   peripheral nerves 129                                laparotomy 79–80
                   photo-acoustics 49                                    transabdominal treatments 78–9
                   PhotoBioModulation (PBM) xvi                        airway 80–1
                   photosensitizing medications 164                    burns 64, 66
                   pinna 72                                            case studies 82
                   placebo effect 120–1                                dermatitis
                   plasmatic proteases 15–16                             acute and chronic 68–9
                   platelet activating factor (PAF) 16                  pododermatitis 69–71
                   platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 182                      ear disease
                   PMF see pulsed magnetic field therapy                 aural hematomas 73
                   pododermatitis 69–71                                 otitis 71–3
                   postsurgical incisions 20, 92, 148, 165             general treatment considerations/parameters 56
                   power                                                dose 55
                     light transport 49                                  how often 57
                       average vs peak 49–51                            power 55–7
                       density and patient comfort 53–4                  pulsing frequencies 57
                       pulse frequency 50–1                            gingivitis and stomatitis 75–7
                       vs penetration 50                               hygroma (false bursitis) 75
                     musculoskeletal                                   lick granuloma 67–8
                       density of surface photon penetration 108       sacculitis and perianal fistules 73–5
                       length of time to treat area 108                summary 81
                      sufficient 122                                   wounds 57–60
                       warmth of surface 108                            acute 60–3
                     soft tissue 55                                      care, dressings and laser therapy 64–6
                       area of treatment 57                             chronic 63–4
                       density of photons penetrating the surface 56      improving results 66–7
                       hand speed 57                                 solar irradiance data 54
                       length of time to treat an area 56            spinal cord injury 34–5
                       power density 56–7                            spine 126
                       power output 57                               stem cells 180–2
                       surface temperature 56, 57                    steroids 21, 32, 67, 162–3
                      wavelengths 57                                 stifle 127, 207
                   pregnant uterus 162                               stomatitis 75–7
                   pro-inflammatory cytokines 17–18                  stroke 35
                   prostacyclin (PGI ) 16                            surgery 172
                   prostanoids 16                                    systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
                   PRP see platelet-rich plasma                            18

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