Page 313 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 313

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   295

                  13.29  Prostate gland (dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x32).

                  13.30  Actively secreting end pieces of the prostate gland with interstitial connective tissue containing smooth
                  muscle (dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

                  enmeshed (stroma myoelasticum). Smooth muscle cells   Ox and pig: A flattened corpus prostatae lies dorsal to the
                  are particularly well developed in the corpus prostatae. The   urethra. Together with the m. urethralis, the distinct pars
                  prostate gland is surrounded by a capsule (capsula prosta-  disseminata forms a sleeve around the urethra. The tubular
                  tae) that includes connective tissue and muscular elements   components of the pars disseminata are arranged radially.
                  (stratum musculare and stratum fibrosum). Prominent
                  connective tissue septa extend from the capsule and subdi-  Small ruminants: Only the pars disseminata is pre-
                  vide the two components of the gland into lobules.  sent in the ram and billy goat. It contains numerous
                                                                   expanded secretion-filled chambers.
                   Species variation                               Carnivores: The corpus prostatae is particularly promi-
                    Horse: The corpus prostatae consists of two lateral   nent, while the pars disseminata is scant.
                    lobes joined dorsally by the isthmus prostatae. A pars
                    disseminata is lacking. The tubular glandular segments   The secretion is typically mixed (seromucous), with
                    are typically dilated and filled with secretion. Smooth   the serous component predominating. In dogs it is purely
                    muscle cells are widespread throughout the connective   serous. The secretory product is high in electrolytes (e.g.
                    tissue capsule and stroma.                   sodium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate), citric acid,

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