Page 311 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 311

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   293

                  Table 13.1  Structural features of the accessory glands of the male reproductive system of mammals.  Organ          Structure                Cells                    Features

                                                                                     Acts as storage area where
                                   Simple branched, tubular
                                                            Pseudostratified columnar
                   Pars glandularis
                   of the ductus   glands in the lamina     epithelium with spherical   maturation processes occur
                   deferens        propria; ampulla (ampulla   basally located nuclei;   at the surface membrane
                                   ductus deferentis) present   apocrine mode of secretion;  of spermatozoa; presence
                                   in stallion, bull and dog,   expanded glandular lumen  of basal cells containing
                                   absent in tomcat and boar;                        coalesced fat droplets
                                   smooth muscle in stallion                         (bulls)
                                   and bull
                   Vesicular gland   Compound tubulo-alveolar   Pseudostratified columnar   Energy source for
                   (glandula       within lamina propria;   epithelium with organelles   spermatozoa; stallion
                   vesicularis)    tubular portions expanded   indicative of secretory   – markedly vesicular
                                   into collecting ducts;   activity; apocrine mode of   morphology and expanded
                                   collagenous connective   secretion; fructose- and   excretory duct lined with
                                   tissue septa divide the   citric acid-rich secretory   cuboidal epithelium; bull
                                   gland into lobules       products promote motility   –  central
                                                            of spermatozoa           excretory duct, lipid
                                                                                     droplets and peroxisomes in
                                                                                     secretory epithelium; high
                                                                                     secretory activity
                   Prostate gland   Compound tubulo-alveolar   Cuboidal to columnar   The usually mixed secretion
                   (glandula       gland composed of two    epithelium with principal   includes electrolytes, citric
                   prostatica)     layers: an outer portion   cells that produce a serous   acid and glucuronic acid,
                                   (corpus prostatae) and   to seromucous secretion   which promote motility of
                                   an inner portion (pars   (released by apocrine mode) spermatozoa and initiate
                                   disseminata); the glandular                       forward progression of
                                   tissue is divided into distinct                   ejaculated spermatozoa;
                                   lobules by connective tissue                      secretion is weakly alkaline,
                                   septa in the lamina propria                       high fructose content in
                                   and tunica submucosa; a                           bull; pars disseminata
                                   stratum myoelasticum is                           absent in stallion
                                   present in the glandular
                                   tissue, the capsule consists
                                   of a stratum musculare
                                   and a stratum fibrosum;
                                   the excretory ducts are
                                   typically dilated and contain
                   Bulbourethral   Compound tubular gland   Simple epithelium,       The stringy, mucous
                   gland (glandula  in the tomcat, boar and   usually columnar, with   secretion acts as a pre-
                   bulbourethralis)  billy goat, branched   spherical basally located   ejaculate (not in pigs),
                                   tubulo-alveolar in the   nucleus; mucous secretion;   serving to neutralise
                                   stallion, bull and ram.    in the excretory duct   the internal urethral
                                   Expanded collecting ducts   system the epithelium   environment and moisten
                                   are surrounded by smooth   gradually transforms into   the vagina; particularly well
                                   muscle cells and fibro-elastic  pseudostratified, becoming   developed in the boar; in
                                   tissue; skeletal muscle   transitional at the end of   the cat, in which vesicular
                                   present peripherally     the bulbourethral duct   glands are absent, the
                                                                                     secretory product contains
                                                                                     glycogen as an energy
                                                                                     source; 6–8 excretory ducts
                                                                                     open into the urethra in the

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