Page 307 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 307

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   289

                  Particularly in segment 1 of the epididymal duct, pro-  high capacity for  resorption  of  fluid. Ninety percent  teins are released by the apocrine mode for maturation  of the luminal fluid is absorbed in the ductuli efferentes
                  of spermatozoa. In segment 6, the environment facilitates  and the initial portion of the epididymal duct. Androgen-
                                                                 binding proteins and inhibin are also reabsorbed in the
                  survival of spermatozoa prior to ejaculation.
                     The  epithelium of the epididymal duct  contains  proximal part of the duct.
                  principal and basal cells. Principal cells have an ovoid,   Polygonal basal cells have a small spherical nucleus.
                  heterochromatic nucleus. The cytoplasm is rich in met-  Their cytoplasm contains numerous fat vacuoles and few
                  abolically active organelles, lysosomes and pinocytotic  organelles. Basal cells are active in substance exchange.
                  vesicles. The free surface is covered with stereocilia that  Intra-epithelial lymphocytes and macrophages are also
                  are sometimes clumped together in bushels. Stereocilia  present (Figures 13.19 and 13.20).
                  secrete enzymes  and  glycoproteins, including phos-  Maturation of spermatozoa is completed in the head
                  phatases and glycosidases.                     and body of the epididymis. The tail is primarily a site of
                     The apical cytoplasm contains pinocytotic invagina-  storage. In the epididymal duct, the spermatozoa acquire
                  tions and numerous multivesicular bodies, signifying a  their capacity for progressive motility and their meta-

                  13.19  Ductus epididymidis (bull). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x35).

                  13.20  Ductus epididymidis (cross-section; bull). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x275).

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