Page 312 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 312

294  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds



                        Basal cells

                        Lumen of
                       an alveolus

                   13.27  Alveolar end pieces of the vesicular gland   13.28  Alveolar end pieces of the vesicular gland (bull).
                   with basal cells containing large lipid droplets (bull).   Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x30).
                   Osmium impregnation (x250).

                   cholesterol and its esters, triglycerides and phospholipids.  Prostate gland (glandula prostatica)
                   It may be involved in prostaglandin synthesis (Figures  In most domestic mammals, the prostate gland is a com-
                   13.27 and 13.28).                              pound tubulo-alveolar gland with excretory ducts that
                      The vesicular glands are surrounded by a thick layer  empty into the pelvic urethra (Figures 13.29 and 13.30). In
                   of smooth muscle that sends prominent muscular septa  the bull, the glandular tissue is tubular. Macroscopically,
                   into the interlobular connective tissue. The tunica adventi-  the gland may be divided into the corpus prostatae (pars
                   tia consists of dense layers of collagen fibres with isolated  externa), which surrounds the initial portion of the ure-
                   smooth muscle fibres.                          thra, and the pars disseminata (pars interna), located in
                                                                  the lamina propria and tela submucosa of the urethra. The
                     Species variation                            pars disseminata is particularly well developed dorsally and
                     Horse: The mucosa is deeply folded. The tubular por-  extends around the lateral and ventral walls. Histologically,
                     tions of the glands form expanded vesicles. Secretions   the two portions of the gland are similar.
                     produced by the tubulo-alveolar glands pass through   The secretory units and intraglandular ducts of the
                     short branches into a large excretory duct. Smooth   prostate gland are lined with cuboidal to columnar epi-
                     muscle cells are interspersed throughout the loose   thelium  with  high secretory activity. Basal cells are
                     interstitial connective tissue. The excretory duct joins   occasionally seen. The principal cells contain abundant
                     with the ductus deferens to form a communal passage,   protein-synthesising organelles, rough ER, Golgi appara-
                     the ductus ejaculatorius, which opens into the urethra   tus, mitochondria, acidophilic secretory vacuoles and lipid
                     at the colliculus seminalis.                 droplets. The cells are characterised by extensive enzyme

                     Ox: A central excretory duct passes through each vesic-  activity. A small proportion of the principal cells produce
                     ular gland. Along the course of the duct, towards the   mucous secretion, while the majority secretes a protein-
                     periphery of the gland, there are increasing numbers   rich serous product. Vacuolar evaginations seen at the
                     of short irregular branches and outpouchings (small   surface of active epithelial cells are indicative of apocrine
                     bulges to well-developed alveoli). In cross-section, the   secretion.
                     tubular segments are usually larger than the alveoli. In   The lumen of the secretory end pieces and the excre-
                     the bull and the billy goat, the basal cells may contain   tory duct system sometimes contains small, concentrically
                     massive accumulations of lipid.              layered concretions of secretions. Before reaching the wall
                                                                  of the urethra, the columnar epithelium of the excretory
                     Pig: The tubular lumina form expanded collection   duct transforms into transitional epithelium.
                     chambers for storage of large volumes of secretion.   The glandular tissue is surrounded by a loose network of
                     The epithelium has prominent folds. Lobulation of the   collagen and elastic fibres in which smooth muscle fibres are
                     gland is marked. There is little smooth muscle.

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