Page 316 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 316

298  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   13.34  Corpus spongiosum (boar). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x175).

                   spongiosum penis) (Figures 13.32 to 13.34). The unpaired  Connective tissue trabeculae emanate from the tunica
                   erectile body begins as the bulbus penis and continues as  albuginea. In the stallion and dog, the trabeculae are
                   the corpus spongiosum penis and the terminal corpus  invested with smooth muscle fibres. The fibrous trabeculae
                   spongiosum glandis. The last of these forms the basis of  provide the structural foundation for cavernous vascular
                   the glans penis.                               spaces resembling a longitudinally oriented venous net-
                      Other components of the penis include dense connec-  work. During erection, the caverns receive blood from
                   tive tissue layers, smooth and striated muscle, blood and  the a. bulbi penis, resulting in enlargement of the urethra.
                   lymph vessels and nerve plexuses.              Towards the tip of the penis, the corpus spongiosum is
                      The body of the penis incorporating the paired cor-  continued by the corpus spongiosum glandis. During erec-
                   pora cavernosa penis  is enclosed in a densely woven  tion this connection results in enlargement of the glans.
                   mesh of collagen and elastic fibres (tunica albuginea).
                   Connective tissue septa and trabeculae project into the   Species variation
                   erectile tissue, surrounding this to a varying extent. In the   Horse: The fibres of the connective tissue sheaths are
                   dog, a complete median septum (septum penis) is formed   arranged in a lattice, surrounded by bundles of fibres.
                   throughout, maintaining the paired arrangement. In the   The erectile tissue is composed largely of longitudi-
                   stallion, bull, boar and tomcat, a complete septum is pre-  nally oriented smooth muscle. In the non-erect penis,
                   sent only towards the root of the penis.         the muscle reduces the cavernous spaces to narrow slits.
                      The paired corpora cavernosa form an integrated erec-  Connective tissue in the erectile body is relatively sparse.
                   tile structure (Figures 13.32 and 13.33). The erectile tissue,
                   located between the trabeculae, consists of expanded cav-  Horse and dog: The penis is of the musculocavernous
                   ernous vascular spaces and fibromuscular tissue.  type. The arrangement of connective tissue fibres permits
                      The vascular spaces of the corpora cavernosa penis are   limited expansion of the tunica albuginea during erection.
                   supplied by the helicine arteries (aa. helicinae). The tunica   The erect penis is firm and elastic. The well-developed
                   interna (intima) of the arteries contains smooth muscle   erectile tissue of the glans penis is continuous with the cor-
                   cells that reduce the size of the lumen. Anastomoses con-  pus spongiosum (via deep veins of the glans in the dog).
                   nect the arteries with veins. Relaxation of the smooth   The loose connective tissue between the vascular spaces
                   musculature promotes filling of the cavernous spaces,   contains numerous elastic fibres and smooth muscle cells.
                   leading to erection of the penis. This is facilitated by com-  Carnivores: The erectile tissue is surrounded by
                   pression of venous drainage by the tunica albuginea and   smooth muscle; connective tissue is relatively meagre.
                   the musculature of the penis. Thus, erection is regulated   An os penis is present (Figure 13.32).
                   by increased arterial supply and reduced venous outflow.  Ox: The outer collagen fibre bundles have a mainly lon-
                      The unpaired corpus spongiosum penis is surrounded   gitudinal orientation. They send trabeculae and septa
                   by a thin tunica albuginea incorporating elastic fibres.   into the erectile body.

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