Page 321 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   303

                  Table 14.1  Structure of ovarian follicles of domestic mammals at different stages of development.  Follicle type  Oocyte                      Associated       Special features

                                                               glandular activity
                   Primordial    Primary oocyte surrounded     None             Arranged in rosettes in carnivores,
                   follicle      by a single layer of flattened                 evenly distributed throughout the
                                 follicular cells                               cortex in ungulates

                   Primary follicle  Slight increase in volume   Gradual increase   In some species, release of FSH
                                 of primary oocyte; oocyte     in FSH secreted by  induces a synchronous wave of
                                 surrounded by single layer of   adenohypophysis  follicular development; the last
                                 cuboidal follicular cells                      two waves are ovulatory
                   Secondary     Substantial increase in size of   Rise in FSH  Beginning of antrum (antrum
                   follicle      primary oocyte (80 μm), mitotic                folliculare) formation through
                                 division results in multilaminar               widening of intercellular spaces
                                 follicular cell stratum (5–10
                                 layers); differentiation of stromal
                                 cells into theca follicularis;
                                 development of zona pellucida
                   Tertiary follicle  Oocyte reaches 130–300 μm;   Falling FSH, rising   Filling of antrum (diameter 0.3 mm)
                                 follicular cells differentiate   oestrogens (from   with protein-rich liquor follicularis;
                                 into basal, intermediate and   granulosa cells)   theca interna forms from stromal
                                 granulosa cells; formation of                  cells (steroid hormone synthesis)
                                 cumulus oophorus and corona                    and spinocellular connective tissue
                                 radiata (single layer of columnar              differentiates into fibrous theca
                                 follicular cells)                              externa
                   Mature follicle  Preovulatory follicle; follicle and   Oestrogens rise,   Completion of meiosis I in primary
                                 oocyte reach maximum size;    FSH decreases,   oocyte (does not occur until after
                                 follicle lies immediately under   secretion    ovulation in the horse and dog)
                                 tunica albuginea, avascular   of LH and
                                 stigma forms; cumulus oophorus  prostaglandins,
                                 floats freely in antrum; follicle   collagenase
                                 and stigma begin to degenerate  activity
                   Corpus luteum  Initial formation of corpus   Rise in         Transformation of granulosa cells
                                 haemorrhagicum (after rupture   progesterone   of follicle into large granulosa
                                 of stigma, collapse of follicle   during luteal   luteal cells and stromal cells of
                                 lumen and release of oocyte);   cell activity;   theca interna into theca luteal
                                 formation of corpus luteum    progesterone     cells; accumulation of yellowish
                                 cyclicum or, if pregnancy occurs,   decreases late in   pigments (lipochromes; not in pigs
                                 the corpus luteum graviditatis;   the oestrous cycle;  and ruminants)
                                 regression of corpus luteum   FSH eventually
                                 leads to formation of scar-   rises
                                 like corpus albicans, corpus
                                 nigrescens and corpus rubrum

                  follicle is surrounded by loose spinocellular connective tis-  secondaRy follicles
                  sue. Primordial follicles represent a quiescent stage that  Mitotic division of the follicular cells of a primary follicle
                  becomes reactivated to form primary follicles (Figures 14.3  leads to formation of the secondary follicle. Features of
                  to 14.5 and Table 14.1).                       secondary follicles (Table 14.1) include:
                     In primary follicles, the follicular cells comprise a sin-
                  gle layer of cuboidal cells. The cytoplasm of the oocyte   ·  an increase in the volume of the oocyte (relative to
                  gradually increases in volume (Figures 14.1 and 14.3 to     primary follicles),
                  14.5).                                           ·  the zona pellucida,
                                                                   ·  layering of the follicular cells and
                                                                   ·  differentiation of stromal cells to form the theca

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