Page 323 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 323

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   305

                                                                                            follicular cell
                          follicular cell                                                   Cuboidal
                         Primary oocyte                                                     Primary oocyte
                           Basal lamina                                                     Basal lamina
                                                                                            connective tissue
                       connective tissue

                                              Primordial follicle       Primary follicle
                  14.5  Primordial and primary follicles (schematic).

                  In secondary follicles, the oocyte grows to 80 μm in diam-  by follicular cell processes that are connected to the oocyte
                  eter. Concurrently, the cytoplasm undergoes structural  by desmosomes and, later, by gap junctions. The primary
                  differentiation with an increase in protein-synthesising  function of these intercellular connections is to provide
                  organelles (ER and ribosomes) and enlargement of the  metabolic support to the oocyte (Figures 14.6 and 14.7).
                  Golgi complex.                                    The zona pellucida:

                   Species variation                               ·  can be penetrated only by spermatozoa originating
                   Ruminants: The oocytes contain vacuolar lipid granules.  from organisms of the same species,
                                                                   ·  prevents the penetration of multiple spermatozoa
                     Cortical granules accumulate under the plasmalemma of   (polyspermy),
                  the oocyte and the cell surface is irregularly studded with min-  ·  counteracts premature implantation of the blasto-
                  ute cellular processes. The whole oocyte increases in size (this   meres in the uterine tube,
                  continues until the early tertiary follicle stage) (Figure 14.6).  ·  supports the structural integrity of the oocyte and
                     The  zona pellucida  is a fibrillar glycoprotein layer   ·  regulates the uptake of nutrients.
                  (12–13 μm thick) that forms in the perivitelline space
                  between the surface of the oocyte and the adjacent fol-  Secondary follicles are characterised by the prolifera-
                  licular cells (Figure 14.6). The zona pellucida is penetrated  tion of follicular cells. Mitotic cell division gives rise

                                                                                          Follicular cells:
                                                                                          Basal cells
                                                                                          Intermediate cells
                                                                                          Granulosa cells
                          Follicular cell layers

                                                                                          Corona radiata
                             Zona pellucida
                                                                                          Zona pellucida

                              Spinocellular                                               Oocyte
                           connective tissue

                                                 Secondary follicle    Tertiary follicle
                  14.6  Secondary and tertiary follicles (schematic).

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