Page 327 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 327

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   309

                                                                            14.11  Stigma following rupture of the
                                                                            follicle with folding and fragmentation
                                                                            of the follicle wall. Haematoxylin and
                                                                            eosin stain (x14).

                  CORPUS LUTEUM                                  foRmation of the coRPus luteum
                  The corpus luteum (Figures 14.12 to 14.14) is a transient  Formation of the corpus luteum commences with tear-
                  endocrine  gland that  forms after ovulation from the  ing of the basal lamina between the basal cells and theca
                  remaining cells of the follicle wall and stromal cells of the  interna. This is followed immediately by ingrowth of
                  theca. Hormones synthesised by the corpus luteum include  capillaries into the avascular follicle wall. Together with
                  progesterone, oestrogens and possibly oxytocin. If fer-  hairpin-like arterioles of the theca externa, the capillaries
                  tilisation does not occur, the corpus luteum undergoes  sprout into the former cavity of the follicle.
                  further development before regressing (corpus luteum
                  cyclicum). In the event that fertilisation takes place, the   Species variation
                  corpus luteum persists for the duration of pregnancy   Horse, ox, pig and dog: In the mare, cow, sow and, to
                  (corpus luteum graviditatis). When the corpus luteum   a lesser extent, the bitch, the lumen of the postovula-
                  regresses, it is replaced by fibrous scar tissue (corpus albi-  tory follicle is filled with serum, coagulated blood and
                  cans). Development and regression of the corpus luteum   remnants of follicular fluid (corpus haemorrhagicum).
                  involves reorganisation of cellular, vascular and connective   Vessels growing into the former antrum are accompa-
                  tissue of the follicle and surrounding theca.    nied by stromal cells, fibroblasts and macrophages.
                                                                   Within the first 5 days after ovulation, these cells begin
                                                                   to reorganise the corpus haemorrhagicum. Remnants
                                                                   of blood components and follicle fragments are phago-
                                                                   cytosed by macrophages. Vascularisation of the interior
                                                                   of the follicle leads to formation of the corpus luteum.

                  14.12  Corpus luteum (sheep). Azan stain (x15).

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