Page 331 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 331

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   313

                  14.16  Scanning electron microscope image of the surface of the oocyte of a cow with spermatozoa.

                  14.17  Scanning electron microscope image of the sur-  14.18  Mucosal folds in the ampulla of the uterine
                  face of ciliated epithelial cells of the ampulla tubae   tube (cat). Azan stain (x40).
                  uterinae (cow in oestrus; x3200).

                     The mucosal folds diminish along the length of the nar-  Structure of the uterine tube
                  row terminal section of the uterine tube (isthmus tubae  The wall of the uterine tube consists of the:
                  uterinae), eventually disappearing before the junction
                  with the uterine mucosa. Concomitantly, the thickness   ·  tunica mucosa:
                  of the muscular tunic increases. Nutritional support for     − ciliated simple or pseudostratified columnar epi-
                  the embryo is provided by increasing volumes of mucus.   thelium with secretory cells, peg cells and basal
                  The role of the zona pellucida is described above under   cells,
                  ‘Secondary follicles’.                                − lamina propria mucosae,
                                                                   ·  tunica muscularis:
                                                                        − stratum circulare,
                                                                        − stratum longitudinale,
                                                                   •  tela subserosa and
                                                                   •  tunica serosa.

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