Page 335 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   317

                  non-myelinated) extend from the stratum vasculosum into  temporarily and close again. Dilation of the cervix dur-  the endometrium to supply the glands and the epithelium.  ing oestrus facilitates the passage of spermatozoa to the
                                                                 uterine tubes. Considerable amounts of mucus are pro-
                                                                 duced at this time. The cervix closes during dioestrus
                  The perimetrium surrounds the myometrium. It con-  (corpus luteum cyclicum and corpus luteum gravidita-
                  sists of an outer tunica serosa, comprising a single layer  tis) under the influence of progesterone. A mucous seal
                  of mesothelium, underlaid by a  tela subserosa  and a  forms at its distal end, providing additional protection
                  well-developed layer of longitudinally oriented smooth  against entry by spermatozoa and foreign agents (e.g. bac-
                  muscle fibres (stratum musculare longitudinale). The  teria). During parturition, the cervix dilates markedly to

                  muscle radiates into the broad ligament of the uterus and is  allow the passage of the fetus. The structure of the cervix
                  continuous with the muscle of the cervix.      includes special features that accommodate these diverse
                  Cervix (cervix uteri)                             The cervix is composed of layers. These are thick in
                  The cervix is the distal continuation of the body of the  ruminants (Figures 14.23 and 14.24), and relatively thin in
                  uterus. To perform its functions, the cervix must open  the pig.

                  14.23  Low-power view of cervix (cow). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x15).

                  14.24  Mucosal fold of cervix (cow). Mucus production by the columnar epithelium varies throughout the oes-
                  trous cycle. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x275).

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