Page 336 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 336

318  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                      The mucosa-submucosa is thrown into primary folds  Tunica mucosa  with secondary and tertiary folds. The arrangement of the  The tunica mucosa is mostly non-glandular and has flat
                   connective tissue fibres in the folds allows them to flatten  longitudinal folds that quickly disappear when the mucosa
                   out during parturition. In addition, the folds enlarge the  is distended. The epithelium is stratified squamous and,
                   secretory surface area and reinforce the seal formed by  depending on species, may be keratinised.
                   the closed cervix (refer to Veterinary Anatomy of  Domestic
                   Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas).             Species variation
                      The mucosal epithelium is simple columnar. It con-  Ox: Columnar mucus-producing cells are present in the
                   tains cells that produce mucus  composed of acid and   mucosal folds, particularly near the cervix.
                   neutral proteoglycans. Ciliated cells also occur in isolated   Dog: Solitary intra-epithelial secretory cells may be
                   areas in the cow. The mucus-secreting cells are con-  present during oestrus.
                   centrated on the sides and ridges of the mucosal folds   In the bitch, cyclic changes in the vaginal epithelium
                   (Figure 14.24). In the presence of high progesterone levels   can be used to determine the stage of the oestrous
                   (dioestrus), the mucus thickens to form a seal. Under the   cycle. During  pro-oestrus  and oestrus the epithe-
                   influence of oestrogen it becomes thin.          lium thickens, surface cells become keratinised and
                      In actively secreting cells, the supranuclear region bulges   the cell nuclei become pyknotic and gradually disap-
                   towards the lumen. During oestrus the cells become smaller.  pear. Erythrocytes from the underlying connective
                      The lamina propria mucosae consists of loose connective   tissue traverse the epithelium via diapedesis and enter
                   tissue that becomes highly oedematous under the influence   the vaginal lumen. During oestrus the epithelial cells
                   of oestrogen. Lattices of dense connective tissue fibre bundles   become completely keratinised and anuclear, and the
                   form the core of the cervical folds. Networks of branching   number of free erythrocytes decreases. The epithelial
                   fibres extend between the externally adjacent muscle cells.  lining becomes disrupted and superficial cells disinte-
                                                                    grate. In the subsequent, longer phase of the oestrous
                    Species variation
                                                                    cycle, metoestrus, the epithelium continues to thin
                     Cat and goat: While the lamina propria contains no   through desquamation and new, non-keratinised cells
                     glands in most species, tubular cervical glands may be   form the surface layer. Neutrophils enter the epithe-
                     present in the queen and doe.                  lium, and erythrocytes and cell fragments disappear.

                      The tunica muscularis consists of a thick inner circular   The connective tissue framework of the lamina pro-
                   layer and a thinner outer longitudinal layer. The circular  pria mucosae consists of an array of collagen fibres. With
                   layer incorporates elastic fibres that aid in closing the cer-  the aid of elastic fibre bundles, this arrangement of fibres
                   vix after passage of the fetus.                allows the vagina to expand and contract during and after
                                                                  parturition.  Depending on the  stage of  the cycle,  this
                   Vagina                                         subepithelial tissue contains leucocytes and plasma cells.
                   The vagina and vestibule form the female copulatory organ.  Particularly during pro-oestrus and oestrus these are found
                   In ruminants, the ejaculate is deposited in the vagina. In  in the cervical mucus.
                   other species the seminal plasma and spermatozoa are
                   ejaculated into the uterus (horse, dog) or cervix (pig).  Tunica muscularis
                   The structure of the vaginal wall varies with species and,  The inner layer of the  tunica muscularis  consists of
                   in some instances, exhibits marked cyclic changes. Except  smooth muscle cells in a circular orientation. This layer is
                   during mating and parturition, the lumen of this musculo-  surrounded by longitudinal muscle fibres. The muscle cell
                   membranous tubular organ is reduced to a potential space.  layers are connected by a network of collagen and elastic
                                                                  fibres that supports the mechanical strength, plasticity and
                   Structure of the vagina                        contractility of the vaginal wall.
                   The vagina has a typical layered structure comprised of the:
                                                                  Tunica serosa and tunica adventitia
                     ·  tunica mucosa:                            Within the peritoneal cavity, the vagina is surrounded by
                          − stratified squamous epithelium,       a loose tunica serosa. This is replaced by a tunica adven-
                          − lamina propria mucosae with loose connective   titia over the retroperitoneal portion of the organ (Figure
                         tissue,                                  14.25).
                     ·  tunica muscularis incorporating:
                          − smooth muscle cells,
                          − elastic fibres and
                     ·  tunica adventitia or tunica serosa.

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