Page 339 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 339

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   321

                  Oviduct of birds                               Structure  The oviduct of birds incorporates the organs responsi-  In common with other hollow organs, the wall of the ovi-
                                                                 duct, from interior to exterior, comprises the:
                  ble for transport of eggs and formation of the egg shell
                  (Figures 14.26 to 14.30):
                                                                   ·  tunica mucosa:
                   ·  infundibulum,                                     − epithelium mucosae,
                   ·  magnum,                                           − lamina propria mucosae,
                   ·  isthmus,                                     •  tela submucosa,
                   ·  uterus and                                   ·  tunica muscularis:
                   ·  vagina.                                           − stratum circulare,

                  14.26  Ovary and segments of the oviduct of the hen with vascular supply (schematic; ventral view; König and
                  Liebich, 2009).

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