Page 337 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 337

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   319

                  14.25  Low-power view of the dorsal wall of the vagina (sheep). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x9).

                  Vulva                                          tum commune) containing sweat glands and sebaceous
                  The vulva consists of the:                     glands. Bundles of smooth and striated muscle fibres are
                                                                 found deep within the connective tissue (collagen and
                   ·  vestibule (vestibulum vaginae):            elastic fibres) that forms the core of the labia.
                         − non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium,  The clitoris consists of the two crura clitoridis, the cor-
                         − vestibular glands (glandulae vestibulares),  pus clitoridis containing the corpus cavernosum clitoridis
                   ·  labia (labia vulvae) and                   and the glans clitoridis. It contains numerous free nerve
                   ·  clitoris.                                  endings and sensory receptors (end-bulbs of Krause,
                                                                 genital corpuscles).
                  As the caudal continuation of the vagina, the vestibule
                  forms part of the copulatory organ and the birth canal. It is   Species variation
                  also a component of the urinary tract, as the urethra opens   Horse: The erectile tissue of the clitoris is particularly
                  into the floor of the vestibule. The epithelium is non-  well developed in the mare. It incorporates smooth mus-
                  keratinised stratified squamous and contains numerous   cle cells. The glans clitoridis contains cavernous tissue.
                  subepithelial lymphocytic infiltrates. The extensively   Ruminants and pig: Erectile tissue is sparsely
                  papillated epithelium rests upon loose connective tissue   developed.
                  incorporating  elastic  fibres.  Papillation  lends  strength
                  to the surface layer. Vestibular glands (glandulae ves-  Dog: As in the horse, the glans clitoridis has a cavern-
                  tibulares) are located beneath the epithelium. The thick   ous structure. In other species the glans is composed of
                  mucous secretions of these branched, tubular glands serve   loosely organised, extensively vascular tissue.
                  to lubricate the copulatory organ.
                                                                 Oestrous cycle
                   Species variation
                                                                 In sexually mature females, the reproductive organs are
                   Dog, pig, sheep and horse: Minor vestibular glands   subject to cyclic hormonal influences that bring about
                   (glandulae vestibulares minores) are present in the   changes in the structure and function of individual seg-
                   bitch, sow, ewe and mare.                     ments of the genital tract (oestrous cycle). The ovaries
                   Ox  and  cat: These species have compound major    are stimulated to produce mature follicles and the uterine
                   vestibular glands (glandulae vestibulares majores).  mucosa is prepared for the transport of spermatozoa and
                                                                 potential implantation of a blastocyst. Cyclic modifications
                     The musculature of the vestibule is a continuation of  also occur in the uterine tubes, cervix and vagina. In addi-
                  the smooth muscle of the vagina. The outer layers are  tion, hormones regulate the receptiveness of the female to
                  interspersed with striated muscle fibres of the mm. con-  the male (e.g. standing reflex, increased arousal, agitation).
                  strictores vestibuli.                          Clinically, the onset of oestrus is signalled by changes in
                     A small portion of the labia vulvae is lined with non-  the external genitalia (e.g. swelling of the vulva).
                  glandular mucosa (stratified squamous epithelium). The   All cyclic changes in the reproductive organs are regu-
                  bulk of the labia is covered by external skin (integumen-  lated by the hypothalamus and the hypophysis (see Chapter

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