Page 341 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 341

Female reproductive system (organa genitalia feminina)   323

                  14.29  Isthmus of the oviduct (hen). Haematoxylin and   14.30  Uterus (hen). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x240).
                  eosin stain (x300).

                  ovotransferrin and ovomucoid. These proteins form the   The branched tubular uterine glands (glandulae uteri-
                  main component of albumen  (egg white),  to  which  nae) are similar to those of the isthmus, though they are
                  water is added in the uterus. The time spent by the egg in  packed more tightly within the lamina propria. The final
                  the magnum is approximately 3 hours.           component of the albumen is laid down in the uterus and
                                                                 a large amount of water is added, ‘plumping up’ the egg
                  Isthmus                                        white.
                  The isthmus is approximately 10 cm long (Figures 14.26   The egg spends around 20 hours in the uterus. Most of
                  and 14.29). The beginning of the isthmus is marked by  this time is occupied by formation of the calcareous shell.
                  the translucent, non-glandular pars translucens isthmi,   The organic matrix of the shell is produced from secre-
                  in which the mucosa is devoid of folds. The epithelium is  tions of the columnar epithelial cells.
                  simple columnar.                                  The thin, organic outermost layer of the egg, known as
                     Further distally, the mucosa becomes thicker, is thrown  the cuticle, is also derived from the uterus.
                  into folds and contains numerous tubular glands (glandu-
                  lae isthmi) (Figure 14.29). The mucosal folds are shallower  Vagina
                  than those of the magnum and are endowed with second-  At the junction between the uterus and the vagina, the
                  ary folds.                                     circular muscle thickens to form the m. sphincter vaginae.
                     The egg passes through the isthmus in around 1.5 hours.  The vagina is approximately 8 cm long, has a well-devel-
                  The glands of the isthmus resemble those of the magnum.  oped muscular tunic and is folded upon itself into a
                  Their sulfur-containing secretion, which is unique to this  sigmoid shape.
                  segment of the oviduct, forms the inner and outer shell   The vaginal mucosa has a ciliated pseudostratified epi-
                  membranes that surround the albumen. The air cell later  thelium and is arranged in narrow primary and secondary
                  forms in the space between these membranes, at the blunt  folds. Near the m. sphincter vaginae the lamina propria
                  end of the egg. More albumen is also added in the isthmus.  contains the branching tubular utero-vaginal sperm host
                                                                 glands (fossulae spermatici or tubulae spermatici) that
                  Uterus                                         serve as storage sites for spermatozoa. These reservoirs are
                  The uterus is sometimes also referred to as the ‘shell  remarkable in that they can house viable spermatozoa for
                  gland’. It continues from the isthmus with no clearly  some weeks, allowing a female chicken to lay a fertilised
                  visible demarcation. The uterus is 8 cm long. Initially  egg for up to 2 weeks after copulation. Passage of the egg
                  tubular, the uterus expands into a pouch-like portion. The  through the vagina takes 5–10 minutes.
                  muscular tunic is well developed. Longitudinal mucosal
                  folds are intersected by circular folds, giving rise to leaf-like
                  lamellae (Figure 14.30).

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